Enabling a Covid-safe touchless meeting experience

  • Dan Bladen
  • Author Dan Bladen, CEO & Co-Founder

As employees become more comfortable working from home or from anywhere, a clear “back to work” strategy is needed to ensure a safe workplace experience and encourage the workforce back to the office. In our recent webinar, we got together with our partner Envoy and joint customer Okta to discuss what this means for the future of workplace, new challenges around ‘safe return to work’ with an introduction and walk-through of our new touchless solution for meeting room booking, Kadence for Rooms + Envoy.

What will the future of workplace look like?

As we look ahead it seems that ‘work’ as we knew it, will become ‘work from anywhere’ and providing touchless, flexible technology will be crucial to enable a great workplace experience, allowing employees to work seamlessly across different spaces. Office will become a place to experience brand and culture (just think Apple store or Tesla gallery) and a hub for collaboration – watch our webinar here to hear more from our expert panel and how Okta is rethinking their office strategy with their technology-led Experience Centres.

How to give your employees the confidence they need to return to their workplace

Spaces will be reconfigured with social distancing measures. For example, limiting meeting room capacity, unassigned/clean desk policy and introducing touchless technology such as voice control and wireless charging spot to start video conferencing.

Visual indicators and digital signage will also be a big part of the return-to-work strategy for most – from low-tech options like adhesive stickers to indicate available seats to high-tech solutions such as Kadence Wx, to find clean and available meeting rooms.

How can smart touchless technology help improve experience and efficiency?

Experience is King – because a great workplace experience helps create an emotional response and connection between employees and their company, keeping them passionate about their work. Seamless and touchless technologies are now a must not just for building a safe work environment, but enabling a great experience from the moment you enter the office. From contactless door access control to booking and checking into a meeting room or desk, this should all be enabled easily, seamlessly via one single app/device.

Watch our webinar to find out more Kadence + Envoy can help create a safer, more efficient meeting room experiences.