Release 2.0.1
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Kadence room booking with Google read/write [new]

In all of the same says you can book a room with your Outlook calendar, the same now applies to your Google calendar. Create events, invite your colleagues, choose an available room, and see all of your bookings within the Kadence web app and Google calendar.

Watch the video here and see how it works.


Global admins can also gain valuable room usage data through insights, letting them know, and understand how their rooms are being used.


Available to all users on the Kadence web app only


Room Booking


New ‘Quick help’ widget [new]

Get useful answers to quick questions all from within the Kadence web app. No need to scramble for the answers you need in the moment, simply click on the new Help quick link and find what you’re looking for instantly.


Help Center


Remove ‘All day’ toggle [improvement]

We have removed the all-day toggle as we found it was a little too vague for our users. It wasn’t inherently obvious that it would book a space for the entire duration of the building’s opening hours. This caused issues with auto-release functionality, particularly with buildings with 24/hr opening hours. We decided instead to replace this with a default booking time that matches close to a typical working day for most companies based on our booking research (9 am-5 pm).


Available to all users on the Kadence web app only


Remove all-day toggle