Release 2.3.0
Luke Christian-Farman
Product Marketing Manager
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Advanced Booking Window By Space Type

Particular spaces such as Conference Rooms are vital resources for Hybrid Workplaces, and without a way of monitoring how they’re used and booked it can be easy for individuals to misuse or hog these resources.

Beforehand Kadence allowed you to set a booking in advance window that affected every space globally. Now with Kadence you can create an Advanced Booking Window for each individual space type allowing you to choose how far in advance your teams can book each space type separately.

Advanced space booking window to help hybrid workplaces manage their bookings and spaces

*Available on the Kadence web app  



This new feature allows users to raise issues with equipment, amenities, spaces, and other problems through the Kadence platform whenever they arise. Simply create custom ticket categories in the Kadence web app and choose an email recipient for the raised ticket to go to whether that is your on-site maintenance person or a ticketing platform you already use.

Use the Kadence Hybrid Operating Platform to raise tickets so you can store them in one place

*Available on the Kadence web app  



Enhance the hybrid workplace experience for your teams by customizing Kadence with your own brand.

Upload your own Logo to the Kadence Hybrid Operating Platform to give your team the best hybrid working experience

*Available on the Kadence web app  


Insights Improvements

Our recent Workplace Insights improvements burst onto the scene last month giving Facility Managers all the booking and attendance data they needed within one centralized platform. As a bonus, we wanted to give Team Managers Workplace Insights too so they can visualize, track, and understand their team’s bookings all in one place.

Enable Team Managers to understand their team's booking and attendance metrics through Kadence

*Available on the Kadence web app