New Priority Access Booking For Teams That Need Spaces The Most

The realm of hybrid work has expanded the borders of the traditional workspace, but it also comes with its unique set of challenges. One of them? Ensuring top team performance by making sure your key teams have priority access booking to the spaces they need when they need them.

Is the Marketing team executing an urgent project for the next two weeks? Do they need urgent access to book within certain neighborhoods of your office? Or does Operations need space for onboarding in the next month?

Kadence’s brand new Priority Access Booking helps Team Manager’s office arrangements by giving their teams a space when they need it the most.

Why Priority Booking?

Team Managers often face a tricky situation in a hybrid work setting.

The bustling, fluctuating hot desk activity on a hybrid office floor can sometimes mean their most vital or high-performing teams don’t find a suitable spot for their work.

This can be detrimental, especially when the teams need to collaborate and achieve important objectives together. The research underscores the importance of togetherness; 71% of professionals believe working the same hours as their teammates boost their productivity.

Priority Access Booking gives Team Managers a handy way to ensure their top teams are never left without a space to work — and keep them achieving great outcomes together.

Encourge better team performance

No more last-minute hot desk scrambles or uncertainties in the world of hybrid work. With Priority Access Booking, your teams can collaborate better, plan in advance, and ensure their workspace needs are met. They can walk into the office with confidence, knowing they’ll have a designated space to work from, facilitating faster accomplishment of business goals.

Efficient hot desking management

By allowing teams to book spaces in advance, Kadence ensures office spaces are utilized effectively. This strategy minimizes last-minute scrambles and ensures that every corner of your office is used to its maximum potential.

Fully customizable to your unique needs

The ever-evolving landscape of hybrid work demands adaptability. With Priority Access Booking, organizations can swiftly adapt to staffing shifts or project transitions — ensuring continuity and efficiency.

How does Priority Booking work?
  • Choose a Neighborhood: Decide where you want to apply the ‘Early Access’ feature
  • Set the Schedule: Determine how early these chosen teams can book in advance by customizing the “booking in advance” window
  • Select Your Teams: Decide which teams get the early bird advantage and plot them on the calendar

With teams constantly shifting focus, executing critical projects, and having different needs at different times, Priority Booking is your solution to the ever-changing needs of hybrid work.

In the paradigm of hybrid work, proactive space management has become more crucial than ever.

Kadence’s Priority Booking doesn’t just offer a feature—it delivers a promise to help boost team performance and revolutionize the workspace experience for both facility managers and team leaders. It’s a reflection of understanding that when teams are empowered with the right tools and spaces, their productivity reaches new heights.

Dive into the future of hybrid work with Kadence, and witness firsthand how strategic workspace allocations can redefine the essence of your organizational operations.

4 new Space Management System enhancements you need to know

The summertime is more often than not a quieter month in the office for most workplaces making it a great opportunity to discover how you can benefit from a Space Management System for your people’s return! With summer coming to an end with people coming back from their time away, is your office ready to receive them?

If this is you, and you’re not ready for all the changes autumn brings, never fear! Check out some of our new smarter space management features that’ll take the pressure off managing your spaces so you and your teams can thrive.

Release unassigned neighborhoods for anyone to use 

Office Neighborhoods are a great way of assigning specific areas of the office to specific teams or departments of your choice, allowing only those within that team to book spaces there. It’s a great space management system tool to help you do more with less space, helping you save real-estate costs and utility costs. It’s also a fantastic way of boosting cross-functional team productivity by balancing out desk usage, and coordinating which teams you would like to be close to one another. 

With Kadence, admins can make neighborhoods public or private, assign teams to neighborhoods on scheduled days of the week (eg. the Product team on Mondays, and Wednesdays, the Engineering team on Tuesdays, and Thursdays, etc), and If that’s not enough, this newest release means that on the days where there are no teams assigned to a specific day, Kadence automatically makes those neighborhoods public allowing anyone to reserve a space there. By selecting ‘make neighborhood public on unassigned days’, you can simply sit back, watch your spaces fill up with no manual intervention, and know great work is being done. 

smarter space manager

Search for bookings and teams fast using names or emails

Finding a particular booking in Kadence is easy. Using the filters provided admins can find precisely what they’re looking for within just a few clicks. This is useful for a number of reasons to locate what you’re looking for whether it’s a team, a neighborhood, or even a booking status – but what if you just wanted to look for a particular person without having to filter exactly what you needed every time to find them?

A new search filter on the bookings menu lets you instantly find who you’re looking for, their booking status, and booking history with just their name or email. 

smarter space manager

Find your guest’s bookings in one click

Looking after your guests is important. Similarly to looking after your employees, a good host should always be aware of where their guests are working, and who they’re with so that they may be looked after whilst onsite and given a great experience in your office. That’s why we wanted to make it easier for you to find guest bookings quickly rather than pick them out amongst the rest of your bookings. We decided to separate employee bookings, and guest bookings because the very nature of these bookings is vastly different from one another. Your employees are likely to have more of a consistent rhythm of bookings whereas your guest bookings will be ad-hoc, and less regular depending on whether they are regular contractors, new hires for interviews, or even one-off facility service professionals. 

Simply go to your filters under the bookings tab, select ‘Individuals’ and select ‘Only Guest Bookings’ to see all of your guest’s bookings, and their booking status.

smarter space manager


Space management should be a done deal, autonomous, and streamlined, and SHOULD NOT be the extra headache of a problem to add to the many that come with solutionless hybrid working. However, armed with Kadence’s solution for making the coordination, and management of your spaces second nature, you can focus on the things that really matter, knowing your spaces are being used and enjoyed by your people. 

Interested in getting started? Kick off your free trial today or get in touch with our team for a demo.

Are your offices ready for your people’s return?

Introducing improved office neighborhoods: Empty spaces fully coordinated

Work is better when your people are together. We all know it’s where the magic truly happens. It’s the place where ideas flourish, collaborative productivity skyrockets, and where teamwork thrives. Yet during this recent season’s shakeup as the people are forced to return to the office in their swarming multitudes; companies are finding it increasingly difficult to manage their spaces and make them fit for purpose. It’s time to break free from the first-come-first-serve system and serve everyone better with new and improved dynamic office neighborhoods by Kadence.

So what happens if you’re struggling to coordinate your spaces? How will your teams know which spaces they can use so they can collaborate? What do you do if your office becomes a free-for-all hot-desking nightmare? Well…put it this way, your teams may struggle to connect, and be productive leaving them with a sour taste of the office in their mouths. Alas, there’s no need to worry, Kadence has you covered.

Make your neighborhoods public or private

For the first time, companies can truly control the use of their spaces making them fit for their people to work. With this new feature, admins will be able to set their office neighborhoods to ‘public’ allowing anyone in the company to access those spaces or ‘private’ which restricts access to chosen teams. This not only makes spaces more flexible but gives admins better control over how their spaces are being used.

Manage your office space with Kadence office neighborhoods

Assign teams to neighborhoods on set days of the week

Another exciting functionality to add to the fold enables admins to assign specific teams, to specific office neighborhoods, on specific days of the week. It’s like having your own personal team office without walls. Simply select the toggle ‘Restrict neighborhood access’, search for the teams you wish to add to a neighborhood, and then select which days of the week you want to assign. It’s like having VIP access to the spaces you love.

Manage your office space with Kadence office neighborhoods

Let your teams know why a space is unavailable

If that’s not enough, Kadence lets you know which neighborhood is unavailable. A slick improvement to an already existing feature now lets users understand the reason why they are not able to book a particular space without being kept in the dark.

Manage your office space with Kadence office neighborhoods

How it works?

Creating a neighborhood

  1. Log in on the Kadence mobile app or desktop platform and select the ‘Buildings tab in the left menu section.
  2. Click ‘add’ on the far right and select neighborhood
  3. Choose a name for your neighborhood and search for the desks you wish to add 

Editing a neighborhood

  1. Log in on the Kadence mobile app or desktop platform and select the ‘Buildings tab in the left menu section.
  2. Click on the correct building and the floor of the neighborhood you wish to edit
  3. In the left column of listed spaces click on the edit/create tab (3 dots) to the right of the neighborhood and select ‘edit neighborhood’ 

Toggle public or private

  1. In the Edit / Create screen toggle public or private. 
  2. Toggle private to set the days of the week each team is assigned
  3. Select each day of the week individually to assign teams to that neighborhood