How Desk Booking Systems Empower IT Managers

In any modern workplace, IT managers face the challenge of ensuring that technology supports the dynamic needs of their organizations. One such technological advancement that is proving invaluable are desk booking systems. These systems streamline the management of office spaces, providing a host of benefits that specifically address the pain points of IT managers.

Let’s delve into how desk booking systems enhance the efficiency of IT operations, improve resource management, and ultimately contribute to a more productive work environment.

Understanding Desk Booking Systems

A desk booking system is a software solution that allows employees to reserve workspaces as needed, ensuring that desks, meeting rooms, and other resources are utilized effectively. These systems come with features like real-time availability updates, mobile access, and analytics reporting. For IT managers, the introduction of such systems can transform the way office resources are managed.

Streamlining Resource Allocation

One of the primary responsibilities of an IT manager is to ensure that resources are optimally allocated. Desk booking systems provide real-time data on workspace usage, enabling IT managers to monitor which areas are underutilized and which are in high demand. This data-driven approach helps in making informed decisions about resource allocation, ensuring that office space is used efficiently and reducing waste.

Reducing IT Workload

Managing office spaces manually can be a time-consuming task for IT departments. Desk booking systems automate many of these processes, reducing the administrative burden on IT staff. Features such as automated booking confirmations, cancellations, and notifications streamline operations and free up IT personnel to focus on more strategic initiatives. You don’t need a team to manage desk booking if you have a desk booking system in place.

Facilitating Hybrid Work Models

The shift towards hybrid work models—where employees alternate between remote and on-site work—requires a more dynamic approach to office space management. Desk booking systems are ideally suited to support this transition. They allow IT managers to ensure that on-site resources are available when needed, while also accommodating remote work schedules. This flexibility supports a seamless hybrid work experience, benefiting both employees and IT managers.

Improving Space Utilization

Effective space utilization is critical in managing office real estate costs. Desk booking systems provide detailed analytics on how spaces are used, offering insights into occupancy rates, peak usage times, and trends. IT managers can use this information to optimize the office layout, potentially reducing the need for additional office space and leading to significant cost savings.

Enhancing Security and Compliance

Ensuring the security of IT infrastructure and compliance with data protection regulations is critical. Desk booking systems can enhance security by tracking who uses specific workspaces and when. This data can be invaluable in maintaining compliance with health and safety regulations, especially in environments where contact tracing or other security measures are necessary.

Implementing a Desk Booking System: Best Practices

For IT managers considering the implementation of a desk booking system, several best practices can ensure a smooth transition:

  1. Understand User Needs: Conduct surveys or focus groups to understand the specific needs and preferences of employees. This information can guide the selection and configuration of the desk booking system.

  2. Choose the Right Solution: Select a desk booking system that integrates seamlessly with existing IT infrastructure and offers the necessary features to support your organization’s unique requirements.

  3. Pilot Program: Start with a pilot program to test the system with a small group of users. This allows for the identification and resolution of any issues before a full-scale rollout.

  4. Training and Support: Provide comprehensive training for employees and IT staff to ensure everyone understands how to use the system effectively. Ongoing support is also essential to address any questions or concerns. Once users feel confident, they will feel empowered and will be less reliant on IT support.

  5. Monitor and Optimize: Continuously monitor the usage and performance of the desk booking system. Use the data collected to make informed decisions about office space management and to optimize the system over time.
Real-World Success Stories

Many organizations have already experienced the benefits of desk booking systems. For instance, Softchoice implemented a desk booking system to support its hybrid work model. The system provided real-time data on desk occupancy, which the IT department used to optimize office layouts and reduce the overall footprint. As a result, the company saw a significant reduction in real estate costs and an improvement in employee satisfaction.

Another example is MOPAC who adopted a desk booking system to manage its employees returning to the office. The system allowed the IT team to easily scale operations, ensuring that new employees had access to the resources they needed from day one. This flexibility supported the company’s real estate costs while maintaining a high level of operational efficiency. MOPAC saw a 35% month-on-month growth in desk bookings as employees found it easier to book spaces and return to the office.

Kadence for Desk Booking

Desk booking systems are more than just a tool for reserving workspaces. They are a strategic asset for IT managers. By streamlining resource allocation, enhancing user experience, reducing workload, and supporting hybrid work models, these systems address the multifaceted challenges faced by IT departments. They contribute to better space utilization, improved security, and foster a collaborative work environment.

As organizations continue to navigate the complexities of the modern workplace, the implementation of a desk booking system like Kadence can be a game-changer. IT managers, equipped with this powerful tool, can drive efficiency, support employee needs, and ultimately create a more agile and responsive IT infrastructure.

Find your rhythm for work with Kadence – a desk booking system that will transform the way your offices operate. We empower IT managers to lead their organizations into the future of work.

Desk Reservation Software is Shaping the Hybrid Workplace

As companies transition into a hybrid work model, efficient desk utilization becomes essential. This is where Desk Reservation Software steps into the limelight. The right software can transform the way organizations manage workspace dynamics.

Let’s explore the pivotal role that Desk Reservation Software plays in shaping the future of the hybrid workplace.

Embracing the Hybrid Shift

The global workforce has witnessed a seismic shift towards hybrid work models, blending remote and in-office work seamlessly. Hybrid offers unprecedented flexibility but also brings the challenge of optimizing office spaces.

With employees splitting their time between home and office, desk space is not always in use. If employees have fixed desks, those spaces will remain empty when they work from home. To reduce real estate costs, it makes sense for companies to adopt a hotelling model. Employees can pick a desk when they come into the office.

But which desk? This is where Desk Reservation Software becomes an indispensable tool for the modern workplace.

Desk Booking Efficiency

Desk Reservation Software acts as a digital maestro. It orchestrates the efficient use of office space. No more wandering through rows of empty desks or the frustration of finding a spot to set up shop. This innovative technology empowers employees to reserve a desk with a few clicks. When they step into the office, a dedicated workspace awaits.

This enhances productivity and fosters a sense of routine and structure in the hybrid work setting. Giving employees the autonomy to book a desk will reduce anxiety about commuting to the office. The software can communicate to the rest of the team that the desk is reserved. The need for spreadsheets or team messages that say ‘this is my space today’ is not necessary.

Streamlining Collaboration and Communication

The heartbeat of any successful team is collaboration. Desk Reservation Software goes beyond the mere allocation of desk spaces. It serves as a conduit for enhanced communication and collaboration.

Working hybrid means physical interactions with teammates are precious. The best Desk Reservation Software enables your team to find that time and space easily. Choose a software that highlights where your teammates have booked a desk.

Or even more, pick software that allows managers to set up neighborhoods for teams. This will reserve a selection of desks that are available for a specific team. Teams will be concentrated in one area. This prevents teams from becoming spread across the office. And it cultivates collaboration simply through proximity.

This is an image that lets you see which teammates are in the office on the interactive floor map, and check into desk 2 in the London HQ
See where your teammates are working with Desk Reservation Software
Utilize Desk Booking Data

Desk Reservation Software provides real-time insights into office occupancy. This helps organizations make informed decisions about space utilization. With these analytics, companies can:

  • optimize their office layout
  • identify peak hours
  • allocate resources where needed

This creates a more responsive and adaptive workspace. Managers have an overview of how the office is being used. Decisions are made based on helpful data. The result is employees have their needs for the office met.

For the company as a whole, these insights can result in cost savings. Data will inform whether space is being under-used. Organizations can reduce unnecessary real estate and optimize spending.

Space Management data and insights help drive team productivity
Desk Reservation Software allows you to see how office space is being used.
Employee Empowerment through Flexibility

One of the hallmarks of the hybrid workplace is flexibility. Kadence offers employees the autonomy to choose when and where they work. This level of flexibility is not just a perk. It’s a strategic move that results in productivity and employee satisfaction.

With hybrid work models, some employees may miss having a fixed office desk. For these individuals, offering control over where they sit becomes crucial to their well-being. Choice is fundamental to a happy team.

Teams do not need to enforce who shares which desk or when employees should come in. This may seem like the easiest solution for hybrid work. With the software these mandates are futile. Better efficiency and employee satisfaction are achieved together.

Addressing Desk Reservation Pain Points

In the transition to a hybrid model, organizations encounter various pain points. One key is ensuring any hotelling desk is suitable for the employee. Desk Reservation Software addresses these challenges with surgical precision.

A user-friendly interface mitigates the stress associated with finding a suitable workspace. It offers desk customization. This enables employees to create a personalized and conducive environment. The software can find a desk with:

  • particular equipment
  • the right software and hardware
  • a desired ergonomic setup

Need a particular kind of desktop? Need several power outlets? All of this is possible to find in advance of coming to the office. Desk Reservation Software alleviates the frustration of having to work at an unsuitable desk.

A Case for Sustainable Work Practices

Desk Reservation Software aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainable work practices. It is both cost-effective and green to optimize company space. Reducing the need for excess office space contributes to environmental conservation.

An eco-friendly approach resonates with the values of the workforce. It positions companies as socially responsible entities. This attracts top talent in an increasingly conscious job market.

Consider Kadence for Desk Reservation Sotware

Desk Reservation Software is the linchpin in successful hybrid workplaces. It streamlines communication, enhances collaboration, and empowers employees.

With Kadence, work smarter by knowing where and when your colleagues have booked a desk. Smart Suggestions recommend when to head into the office. Book a desk in your team’s neighborhood within seconds.

Kadence gives you detailed insights into how your team uses office space. Reports explain what spaces are under-used, so you can save on real estate costs.

If you’re looking for the right Desk Reservation Software, book a demo today. We’ll show you exactly how Kadence can help you find your rhythm for work.

New Priority Access Booking For Teams That Need Spaces The Most

The realm of hybrid work has expanded the borders of the traditional workspace, but it also comes with its unique set of challenges. One of them? Ensuring top team performance by making sure your key teams have priority access booking to the spaces they need when they need them.

Is the Marketing team executing an urgent project for the next two weeks? Do they need urgent access to book within certain neighborhoods of your office? Or does Operations need space for onboarding in the next month?

Kadence’s brand new Priority Access Booking helps Team Manager’s office arrangements by giving their teams a space when they need it the most.

Why Priority Booking?

Team Managers often face a tricky situation in a hybrid work setting.

The bustling, fluctuating hot desk activity on a hybrid office floor can sometimes mean their most vital or high-performing teams don’t find a suitable spot for their work.

This can be detrimental, especially when the teams need to collaborate and achieve important objectives together. The research underscores the importance of togetherness; 71% of professionals believe working the same hours as their teammates boost their productivity.

Priority Access Booking gives Team Managers a handy way to ensure their top teams are never left without a space to work — and keep them achieving great outcomes together.

Encourge better team performance

No more last-minute hot desk scrambles or uncertainties in the world of hybrid work. With Priority Access Booking, your teams can collaborate better, plan in advance, and ensure their workspace needs are met. They can walk into the office with confidence, knowing they’ll have a designated space to work from, facilitating faster accomplishment of business goals.

Efficient hot desking management

By allowing teams to book spaces in advance, Kadence ensures office spaces are utilized effectively. This strategy minimizes last-minute scrambles and ensures that every corner of your office is used to its maximum potential.

Fully customizable to your unique needs

The ever-evolving landscape of hybrid work demands adaptability. With Priority Access Booking, organizations can swiftly adapt to staffing shifts or project transitions — ensuring continuity and efficiency.

How does Priority Booking work?
  • Choose a Neighborhood: Decide where you want to apply the ‘Early Access’ feature
  • Set the Schedule: Determine how early these chosen teams can book in advance by customizing the “booking in advance” window
  • Select Your Teams: Decide which teams get the early bird advantage and plot them on the calendar

With teams constantly shifting focus, executing critical projects, and having different needs at different times, Priority Booking is your solution to the ever-changing needs of hybrid work.

In the paradigm of hybrid work, proactive space management has become more crucial than ever.

Kadence’s Priority Booking doesn’t just offer a feature—it delivers a promise to help boost team performance and revolutionize the workspace experience for both facility managers and team leaders. It’s a reflection of understanding that when teams are empowered with the right tools and spaces, their productivity reaches new heights.

Dive into the future of hybrid work with Kadence, and witness firsthand how strategic workspace allocations can redefine the essence of your organizational operations.

5 Mistakes To Avoid With Hybrid Working (and How to Fix It)

Many companies inadvertently sabotage their efforts at creating a great workplace experience. There are many indicators – difficulty to bring people back to the office, a lack of engagement, an increasing percentage of employees feeling lonely and isolated, to name a few.

Here are a few common mistakes and what to do instead.

Mistake #1: Not looking into what employees want from an office

People prefer to be in the office for at least a part of their workweek. But that alone isn’t enough to bring them in. The office needs to be a destination worth commuting to. That starts with a clear understanding of what constitutes a great employee experience in the office for your people. Without it, organizations will continue to struggle to bring people back in or worse – fight a wave of the Great Resignation.

The solution? Start by identifying the hybrid working personas in your organization. Our research on hybrid working reveals that most companies will have a combination of these four:

  • The Adapter who prefers the office to be a mix of coworking hubs and silent zones for focused work.
  • The Soloist who defaults to working remotely but will come in for a face-to-face meeting.
  • The Culturalist who wants the office to be a space for collaboration and socializing.
  • The Traditionalist who prefers to work in the office full-time, at their assigned desk.

Understanding the mix of hybrid workers in your organization will be invaluable for evaluating how much office space to keep and how to design it for maximum effect.

Mistake #2: Underestimate the power of chance meetings

You may have noticed – most hybrid workers expect a workplace that facilitates collaboration. And not just to break free from the digital overwhelm.

Time in the office is their one chance to socialize, build relationships, network, and establish bonds with their colleagues and managers. It’s so important that 52% of US and UK workers prefer meeting in the office and 70% of Millennials and Gen Z fear loneliness and isolation if remote work becomes permanent.

It’s not just about optimizing your real estate costs either. Businesses with highly engaged employees see 41% lower absenteeism and considerably higher profitability. If collaboration and chance meetings aren’t happening in your offices (or if they’re hard to organize), you’re effectively dealing with the consequences of a poor workplace experience.

To fix it, give people the tools they need to curate more social and collaboration opportunities to promote employee engagement:

  • Access to teammates’ schedules to facilitate spontaneous encounter, casual catch-ups and collaboration.
  • Ability to see who is in the office, where they are sitting and when to come in for those who are working remotely.
  • Create recurring team schedules to boost engagement and productivity

Mistake #3: Lack of visibility and transparency

Employees want to come to the office. The problem is figuring out when best to come in. It’s not enough to just have a solution to book a desk or a meeting room when the rest of it – comparing schedules to pick a meeting time, finding the right spaces with amenities they need and also communicating all that back in an email – taking hours out of their workweek.

This is one of the primary reasons why so many workplace managers struggle to bring people back to the office. It’s not that they don’t want to. It’s that setting up another video call is just so much easier and faster.

The solution? Take the guesswork out of planning ‘in office’ days with shared visibility of work schedules.

Imagine if your people needed no more than a few minutes to check their colleagues’ work schedules to plan their workday and know exactly when to expect feedback. If they could see where in the office their teammates or manager plan to be. Quickly and easily – on the go or at their desktop. No stress, no time wasted on commute. To achieve that, you’ll need:

  • Interactive floor plans offering real-time visibility into people’s movements. You can easily reserve a spot near your teammates and friends.
  • Shared work schedules, visualized all in one place to coordinate with your teammates’ working hours and locations for effective collaboration.
  • Recurring team meeting schedules that you can easily create and subscribe to.
  • Advanced team manager permissions like reserving desks or rooms on behalf of others to make the most of their ‘in office’ days.

No second-guessing your office days, annoyingly time-consuming meeting coordination, or time and money lost commuting to a half-empty office. 

Mistake #4: Unscalable space booking process (…excel sheets)

One of the biggest drivers of employee anxiety about returning to the office is fear of not finding a desk that matches their needs – at the time they need it. A fear that’s fuelled by a complicated desk booking process that’s buggy or difficult to use, or an excel spreadsheet that is simply incomprehensible.

Employees need more than a solution to book a desk or a room. They want to be able to easily locate a workspace that matches their needs for the day.

To implement an effective desk booking system, that can be achieved with:

  • Easy user experience. Your desk booking app should be a joy to use and a tool that saves time and improves the employee experience.
  • Real-time view of space availability (with a floor plan view) updated automatically and showing coworkers in the office.
  • Well-rounded safety measures with the ability block/unblock spaces, self-certification, and touchless mobile check-in.
  • Auto desk release to improve desk availability by releasing back to the pool workspaces that haven’t been checked into within a set time limit.
  • Scalability. With a comprehensive integrations and directory sync, you won’t have to worry about business growth negatively impacting your space management solution or the quality of the user experience.

Mistake #5: Without a process for optimization

So you’ve repurposed and refurbished your offices. The numerous employee surveys were a bit confusing (since their answers kept changing) but you’ve taken those into account. A sigh of relief. You’re done, right? You’re not. Employees’ needs and expectations, the way we work will continue to evolve.

Don’t believe us? Consider this:

  • Microsoft discovered that more than half of its employees were spending less than ¼ of their time in the office, compared to their original plans.
  • Trivago, a travel agency, spent months testing different scenarios for hybrid working and office setup until they found the optimal one.

The only way to offer a continuously great workplace experience is through a well-established process of data analysis and optimization.

In design thinking, it’s a well-established fact – people often don’t know what they really want until they try it in practice. Hence, the prototyping phase. You need a combination of both: employee surveys and tools that deliver granular space usage insights you need to easily put into action. That includes:

  • Space usage data to help you
    • identify the busiest times and areas and forecast demand;
    • assess the efficiency of the workplace setup;
    • identify opportunities to cut real estate;
    • evaluate work patterns and adjust accordingly.
  • Flexible policy settings that allow you to: 
    • change floor plans, add or remove desks on the fly;
    • A/B test workplace designs;
    • eliminate zombie bookings;
    • respond to changing conditions in real time.

With this level of actionable data, you’re prepared for any future scenarios. And let’s be honest, managing the workplace experience is a lot easier when you don’t have to do everything yourself, manually.

The Space Management Challenges Your Return To Office Plan Must Solve

How do your people feel about returning to the office? How do you? Putting together a return to the office plan that delivers a safe, efficient, and agile space management process is an immensely complex task.

Health and safety measures at your workplace

People worry about their health and wellbeing. Close to a half (39%) of American and British workers say they’ll no longer use shared kitchen areas, cups, and utensils or make coffee and tea rounds in the office. A quarter (24%) won’t even use shared elevators.

You need to make sure workspaces are cleaned and sanitized properly, ideally, as soon as they’ve been released back to the pool. That would help you optimize the workplace experience for the employee as well as maximize the use of company real estate.

What’s more, the global health situation and government regulations will likely continue to change. There may be potential outbreaks in the office requiring you to adjust its layout and restrict employee access at a moment’s notice. You need to be prepared to act swiftly in all of these scenarios.

Desk and room booking process for your hybrid workplace

Just walking into the office and grabbing a desk for the day is no longer acceptable. Nor is a manually updated excel sheet of desk bookings and the employees working in the office a long-term solution.

Yet both you and your people need visibility over who’s coming in and when. A quarter (25%) of US and UK workers worry about finding the right kind of workspaces once the office doors open. It’s not just a question of choosing between a silent zone and a collaboration hub.

Can your plan for returning to the office solve these three challenges?

People want to:

  • book a desk that’s close to the amenities they’ll need that day;
  • have it available at different times to optimize their productivity cadence and maintain a healthy work-life balance;
  • be sure the colleagues they’re looking forward to meeting will be in the office.

Your team managers will also appreciate a more efficient way of organizing hybrid team meetings than a half hour back and forth via Slack or email to pick the right time, book a room, and check the tech they need will be there. Combine that with health and safety concerns, and there’s little wonder many suffer from anxiety about returning to the office.

Can your return-to-office plan solve these challenges? Yes, it can. In fact, it’s crucial that it does if you want to nurture collaboration and motivate your people to come to the office for that face-to-face time that’s so crucial for productivity and mental wellbeing.

Three questions to answer in your plan for welcoming people back to the workplace

1. Will you choose a phased approach or open up to everyone at the same time?

There are various internal and external factors that may impact this decision or be affected by it, including government-imposed restrictions, company budget, internal approval processes, and the building’s cleaning protocols.

2. What’s the main role of the office in a hybrid work context?

Survey your employees to understand what they value most in a workplace and what they need to perform at their best. That will likely include different activity-based office neighborhoods, such as social and collaboration hubs and silent zones. Space usage insights will help you to further optimize the office layout.

3. What do you need to look for in a space management app?

The success of any space management system starts and ends with user adoption. So choose a workplace app that’s a fit for the company as well as the people.

Look for:

  • Ease of use with excellent UX and UI across devices
  • Useful features like smart suggestions, single sign-on, and integrations with your existing tech tools, apps and software
  • Support for coordinating individual and team cadences for easy collaboration.
  • Well-rounded safety measures covering self-certification, automated cleaning updates, and touchless mobile check-in.
  • Agile space management features such as customizable layouts and flexible policy settings that allow you to instantly block desks, office neighborhoods, or an entire building.

To uncover the exact steps to implementing a safe and efficient desk booking process in a hybrid workplace, download our Complete Guide to Building a Return to the Office Plan.

4 new product features to help empower your team for a smooth return to office

As workplace leaders, managers of teams and employers are slowly discovering ways and methods to pull in their troops from remote working comforts, we can all agree that returning to the office for everyone now looks different. 

The office is key for collaboration and should be designed for a great working experience for all. Buzzing with your teammates and co-workers around ideas during focus based project work simply isn’t the same as working solo from home in your pyjamas. What we need are solutions for flexible working to enable the best workplace experience for all. We need solutions with features to make returning to the office easy and exciting that helps empower your team to do their best work – here are some of our latest features you need to know:

  1. Self-certification: keep your employees safe
  2. Multi-device booking: book a space on any device anywhere
  3. Parking: book a space for your ride to work
  4. Floor insights: optimize spaces with deeper data insights

Self-certification: Keep your employees safe

The return to the office post-Covid does mean that the office needs to be a safe environment for your team to return. For your space to be the place your team loves to be it also needs to be the place where your team feels safe. Self-certify will allow the employer to customize their health screening message and policy, as well as allow employees user to self-certify before checking in to their reserved spaces. 

Multi-device booking: Book a space on any device anywhere

To maximise on when you book it’s important to maximise on how you book. Web booking as a new feature adds another dimension to the booking experience with more versatility and flexibility to book in the way you want. 

As an employee, you are now able to create bookings through a web browser in all the same ways you can through the mobile app. Better still, if you are unable to download the app on your mobile device or have limited storage, web-booking is also mobile compatible giving you the same experience either way.

Parking: Book a space for your ride to work

We recognize that commuting to the office in your car, motorbike or bicycle means parking can be tricky, especially at peak times. Hoping space will be available when your mind is focused on the presentation you need to deliver that morning doesn’t add up to a great working experience. For us, we wanted to help create the best booking experience by creating the best booking convenience. 

As an administrator, you can now add and assign parking spaces to a particular building allowing your employees the option to add a parking space to their booking that day. One less thing to worry about.

Floor insights: Optimize space with deeper insights

Insights are heavily focus on capacity and occupancy monitoring, as an administrator, you now have fuller and deeper visibility on space usage of spaces to enable you to make more use out of less. 

With ‘Floor insights’, administrators can see high-level or drilled down statistics into a particular floor and office neighborhoods. See what parts of the floor space are busier than others and allocate resources accordingly to help your teams do their best work – find out more about Kadence analytics here

Book a demo with one of our team today to see how Kadence’s desk booking software could help you create an effective hybrid workplace.

3 Steps to a Successful Hybrid Work Model

In this webinar, our Co-Founder & CEO, Dan Bladen, is joined by Shaun Ritchie (Co-Founder of Teem and Former Chief Workplace Experience Officer of WeWork) and Neal Piliavin (Former Director of Collaboration at HubSpot) to discuss the findings from our return-to-work research study, as well as the critical success factors to be addressed for a happy hybrid work model.

The way we work has changed forever, and the office needs to change too. It’s now a place for collaboration, team-building, spending time together, and experiencing company culture. People will no longer sit behind a desk 9-5, and will increasingly become more intentional about when and where they choose to work.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the discussion (Start watching at 15:35):

  • Social interactions with colleagues were the top reason for people to return to the workplace. Many also anticipate easier collaboration, quicker decisions, and better productivity once they are back.
  • Employee well-being: The Metaphysical energy that surrounds us. Being around people lifts our energy, and conversation is the medium, such as sharing ideas. Isolation is one of the worst forms of imprisonment, as human beings, we need to be around others to maintain our mental wellbeing.
  • The workplace/office manager’s role has changed and one of the main challenges is creating a balance of synchronous and asynchronous work – making sure coming to the office is a real occasion with tons of value and minimal friction.
  • The new role of the workplace manager is to organize coincidences: The community and serendipity element in the office has been difficult to replicate over the last year with remote working. For businesses looking to transition to hybrid working, it is important to use technology to orchestrate these interactions.
  • Successful organizations will have to rethink their workplace as a strategy (WaaS) with the right metrics and tools to maintain their competitive advantage.
  • Technology will be key to facilitating new ways of working: from provisioning the right equipment to WFH or organizing logistics for a more dispersed workforce to optimizing workspaces. Over one-third expect to be able to book desks in the office post-Covid.

Given how drastically the pandemic has changed the way we work, it is promising to see businesses rethinking their strategy and actively shifting to a hybrid working model – but it is also key to implement it in the right way. Hybrid working is more than just a mix of office locations, it is a new way to work and collaborate.

Book a demo with our team today to see how Kadence could help you build a successful hybrid workplace.

Dynamic desk scheduling for an era of flexible working

View full blog series here

As the world transitions to a new way of working, one with social distancing, reduced real estate, and flexible working, it can be overwhelming when trying to decide what space management solution to use.

Challenges with existing space management systems

Static, clunky, legacy systems with limited flexibility and customization

Many of the existing workplace management systems were set up to manage offices operating in regular 9 to 5 hours. As Covid-related policies and government regulation keep evolving, workplace leaders and facilities managers are suddenly having to create new processes for flexible working, while at the same time ensuring the safety of employees and cleanliness of workspaces.

Employers need highly customizable controls and tools to manage their real estate and allocation of spaces, especially as most of their expensive real estate is sitting empty right now.

Difficulty finding and booking spaces with poor UX

Change is hard. With the new flexible, hybrid ways of working, it can be frustrating and confusing to employees without clear communications.

Employees need simple, intuitive ways to find and reserve working spaces that meet their needs (and assurance that these spaces are clean and safe), from hot desking to collaboration spaces to working from home. If you have desk booking, there is no physical representation of the digital state of the desk whether it is available or booked, therefore it is static and not dynamic.

Space inefficiency

Many buildings have remained empty for over 9 months, and employers are having a headache trying to figure out how much space they need to enable flexible working. Businesses need to manage their spaces in a smarter, more effective way.

Kadence Wx: built for dynamic spaces and people

Kadence Wx desk scheduling software has been built from the ground up to help you get your business back on track in a post Covid-19 world. We have focused on delivering the best solution for a return to the workplace and can help you every step of the way.

Customize how you want your spaces with WxCloud

We have built a highly dynamic, flexible solution to fit with your Covid-19 policies and your vision for returning to work. Just a few of our features include:

Kadence space management dashboard display

  • Integrate with your existing active directory systems for easy employee onboarding and management. Manage and group employees with teams, and track users’ experiences working in the office.
  • Control building, spaces and Covid-related settings with ease. Limit building and office capacity, ensure social distancing of desks, visualize high traffic areas and adjust your plans accordingly.
  • Easily manage your office spaces, rooms, desks, and neighborhoods to fit your needs.
  • Adjust and create user permissions with different access levels, defined by you, to help you collaborate with and manage your spaces and people.
  • Apply and adjust booking permissions for your employees to help control traffic and office capacity as well as restricting access in the event of a Covid-19 outbreak.


Enter Kadence WxApp: a people-first app

Visual of the Kadence WxApp

We built the Kadence WxApp with the goal of giving employees a simple, seamless experience when booking spaces. Simplicity, with no training, or guidance, required from the employer.

  • A clean, polished, friendly user experience was at the forefront of our minds when producing the app. No headaches, no fuss, just simplicity in booking on any device.
  • Employees can book a space from anywhere, at any time, in seconds, and on any device (app, iPad, desktop)
  • Helpful alerts, reminders, and notifications on bookings and company updates.
  • Easily share spaces and collaborate with team members.
  • We ensure that employees understand and feel comfortable with installing the application on their personal devices, describing the use of every permission we request, ensuring they know we don’t store or share their data, and allowing them to use an incognito mode, should they choose not to disclose any of their personal information.


Analyze and improve space efficiency with accurate data

The true power of an effective space management solution lies in being able to inform better space planning decisions by using different types of spaces efficiently, maximizing its full utilization and usefulness.

  • Hyperlocal location data for occupancy data, perfect for tracking activity, capacity, and employee traffic.
  • Our solution learns about how your spaces are being used overtime and makes informed decisions to protect employees, reduce real estate costs, and allow effective flexible working and collaboration.

If you’d like a chat or a demo with one of our team to see how our desk scheduling software can help you meet the challenges of the new workplace, why not pick a time in our calendar to suit you?