Hybrid Workplace Persona #3: The Culturalist

In our hybrid workplace persona blog series, we’re taking a look at the personas you’re most likely to encounter in your hybrid working office. The four hybrid working employee personas – Soloists, Adapters, Culturalists and Traditionalists – will each approach hybrid differently. Understanding these differences will help you navigate a smooth transition from a traditional, nine-to-five office culture to a hybrid one.

Change can be unsettling for anybody. Insight into the people you’re catering for will inform the tools, systems and culture you need to put in place to keep staff happy and engaged.

In this edition, we’re looking at the Culturalist.

The Culturalist: The networking persona

The Culturalist is the social butterfly, the networking persona. This hybrid working persona loves to spend time with other people and they thrive as part of an office community. The polar opposite to the Soloist; working remotely all week in isolation is definitely not for them. Their preferred habitat is the informal meeting area or collaboration space, or you might also spot them chatting at the water cooler or office social areas throughout the day.

But don’t mistake their social nature for slacking off. Often seen as extroverts, Culturalists are energized by socializing and having people around them. They can be great problem solvers and networkers. They’re heavily invested in the workplace community and are often a driving force behind it.

They’ll be the ones organizing office nights out, baking competitions, and Secret Santa. They’ll also be the ones who are great at collaboration and working across departments, joining the dots and making things happen. Coming into the office should be an enjoyable experience for them. While the flexibility to work remotely will still be important, your Culturalists are likely to come in more frequently. 

Creating a destination workplace

Culturalists will have missed connecting with others and getting out and about more than most during the pandemic. To help them transition to hybrid you’ll need to make them feel engaged and feed their social side for the best workplace experience.

The opportunity to collaborate is important to them so make sure there’s space designed for teamwork

  • Collaboration hubs with interactive whiteboards, video conferencing or hybrid meeting setup to make meetings more inclusive 
  • Open areas with comfy chairs and refreshments for chance encounters, impromptu brainstorming sessions and small social gatherings 
  • Silent zones for undisturbed, focused work for those coming to the office to run away from bad internet connection, or to take care of their mental wellbeing by enjoying a peaceful cup of coffee. 
  • Adding a splash of color and plant life can help people feel relaxed and make a break from the desk, encouraging communication and creativity. 

Get our guide on ‘How to make collaboration work in the hybrid workplace’ to discover more ways to enhance workplace experience for your Culturalists.

Create a ‘social’ room and desk booking experience

When they come into the office, your Culturalists will want to be sure they can sit near colleagues and have access to spaces that enable them to collaborate.

In many organizations, the days of one-desk-per-employee are gone. Desk scheduling software such as Kadence’s Wx offers short- or long-term bookings with interactive floor plans that show which workspaces are booked, by whom, and at what time, this can help guarantee they’ll get to sit with colleagues. The same goes for room bookingpeople can decide exactly when to come to the office to maximize opportunities for chance encounters and collaboration.

Know where colleagues are for networking and socializing

With a dispersed workforce, it’s easy to lose track of where colleagues are working on any given day. The last thing a Culturalist wants is to make the trip into the office, only to find the rest of their team are all working remotely that day.

Putting in place a system that allows everybody to share they will be workingtheir whereabouts during the week will enable employees to sync their own schedules with colleagues’ schedules. Culturalists will value being able to plan their week around the activity of their team.

Biophilic office design

Biophilic office design brings nature into the workplace. It’s based on the idea that humans are intrinsically bound to nature and the natural environment. Workspaces more in tune with nature can make us more content and relaxed.

When your Culturalists come into the office, they’re looking for an uplifting and positive workplace experience. Office design has a key role to play in creating this for them.

Design your office space with biophilic principles in mind:

  • Use natural materials, such as wood or stone
  • Ensure access to natural light and views of green spaces, if possible.
  • Create outside areas for people to socialize and relax
  • Add indoor plants to your décor
  • Embrace a color scheme that has echoes in nature

Optimize your workplace experience

Your Culturalists need employee engagement. They will look forward to the different aspects of office life. Being stuck at home working at the kitchen table will have been particularly difficult for them. They’ll have missed getting out of the house, working face to face with others, and socializing.

They are also keen on hybrid working. It gives them flexibility and work-life balance, but they can still enjoy coming into the office. Just make sure that you take steps to ensure their office experience is a collaborative and productive one.

Give them a simple and intuitive way to book desk and meeting space, the opportunity to sync their schedules with colleagues, thoughtfully designed collaboration and socialization spaces, and a biophilic-inspired workspace design.

4 new product features to help empower your team for a smooth return to office

As workplace leaders, managers of teams and employers are slowly discovering ways and methods to pull in their troops from remote working comforts, we can all agree that returning to the office for everyone now looks different. 

The office is key for collaboration and should be designed for a great working experience for all. Buzzing with your teammates and co-workers around ideas during focus based project work simply isn’t the same as working solo from home in your pyjamas. What we need are solutions for flexible working to enable the best workplace experience for all. We need solutions with features to make returning to the office easy and exciting that helps empower your team to do their best work – here are some of our latest features you need to know:

  1. Self-certification: keep your employees safe
  2. Multi-device booking: book a space on any device anywhere
  3. Parking: book a space for your ride to work
  4. Floor insights: optimize spaces with deeper data insights

Self-certification: Keep your employees safe

The return to the office post-Covid does mean that the office needs to be a safe environment for your team to return. For your space to be the place your team loves to be it also needs to be the place where your team feels safe. Self-certify will allow the employer to customize their health screening message and policy, as well as allow employees user to self-certify before checking in to their reserved spaces. 

Multi-device booking: Book a space on any device anywhere

To maximise on when you book it’s important to maximise on how you book. Web booking as a new feature adds another dimension to the booking experience with more versatility and flexibility to book in the way you want. 

As an employee, you are now able to create bookings through a web browser in all the same ways you can through the mobile app. Better still, if you are unable to download the app on your mobile device or have limited storage, web-booking is also mobile compatible giving you the same experience either way.

Parking: Book a space for your ride to work

We recognize that commuting to the office in your car, motorbike or bicycle means parking can be tricky, especially at peak times. Hoping space will be available when your mind is focused on the presentation you need to deliver that morning doesn’t add up to a great working experience. For us, we wanted to help create the best booking experience by creating the best booking convenience. 

As an administrator, you can now add and assign parking spaces to a particular building allowing your employees the option to add a parking space to their booking that day. One less thing to worry about.

Floor insights: Optimize space with deeper insights

Insights are heavily focus on capacity and occupancy monitoring, as an administrator, you now have fuller and deeper visibility on space usage of spaces to enable you to make more use out of less. 

With ‘Floor insights’, administrators can see high-level or drilled down statistics into a particular floor and office neighborhoods. See what parts of the floor space are busier than others and allocate resources accordingly to help your teams do their best work – find out more about Kadence analytics here

Book a demo with one of our team today to see how Kadence’s desk booking software could help you create an effective hybrid workplace.

Why Kadence’s desk management should be a part of your return-to-work plan

The Covid-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we view working. During the pandemic, many companies have been forced to implement strategies for flexible working. Companies that previously hadn’t thought this to be possible, are starting to see the benefits of flexible working. It is now of increased importance to make the most of real estate and support social distancing with smarter and more efficient desk management. In this article we’ll be building upon those themes, and explain how we can support your organization to make flexible working seamless.

What makes Kadence’s desk management solution unique?

Many desk and booking management solutions claim to enable the safe return to the workplace for employees. So what makes Kadence unique?

Kadence allows you to gather metrics and data on your employees, their behaviors and their actions to help better understand usage, movements and trends over time in a non-intrusive way. These sorts of metrics are normally gathered by investing in expensive sensors to track data that often has to be paired with a desk management solution.  These data can help you optimize your spaces to reduce traffic, identify peak activity, ensure social distancing, and allow for easier management of your employees.

How it works

At Kadence we understand that safety is vital and are fully focused on delivering a seamless return to safe in-person collaboration. There are a number of considerations workplace leaders must make to ensure the safe return of their employees. Here are just a few of the key areas we can help you with:

  • Touchless check-in and reservation
  • Desk hoteling management
  • Office and people capacity
  • Social distancing measures
  • Space usage analytics

Touchless desk check-in & reservation

To enable a safe, effective flexible working environment, employees should be able to find and reserve a space to work ahead of time, or when they arrive for the day. With a desk booking mobile app, they can automatically and seamlessly book and check in to that space, with data and insights being gathered on employee behavior and movement.

Social distancing measures for the workplace

With the need for social distancing in mind, many businesses will have to rethink their real estate strategies. Kadence’s real-time floor plan view shows how spaces are being used with regard to social distancing and office capacity. Knowing where people have been sitting in your spaces indicates which areas need more cleaning and have the highest density of traffic.

Employees can have peace of mind knowing they are able to book socially distanced desks, along with a clear, concise way to identify their reserved desk, and how to find their desk in a large building or office. They can also be assured that they will have a safe working environment with no concerns about hygiene.

Image of office floor plan with employee headshots

Space management & analytics

Real-time space usage and management will add another level of accuracy to your desk occupancy data to optimize your workspaces to reduce traffic, identify peak activity and allow for easier management of your employees.

At Kadence we’re working hard to deliver a safe, seamless return for your employees, with our easy desk management solution to ensure your workspace is as efficient as it can be. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements on what we’ve been working on behind the scenes.

Touchless traffic light solution for desks gives employees confidence to get back to work safely

Kadence for Desks is the new touchless desk management solution, with traffic light style indicator, that gives employees visual confidence to use flexible unassigned desks post-covid.

San Francisco and London, September 17, 2020 Kadence, the leading provider of cloud-connected smart wireless charging technology, has launched Kadence for Desks. It includes a wireless charging LightRing visual indicator that shows employees which desks are clean and available for use. The traffic light visual, combined with touchless check-in and convenient wireless power provides an improved safe and frictionless desk experience, with space utilization data insights to help optimize flexible working strategies.

At the end of 2019, over 73% of workplaces globally were rolling out flexible working strategies to enable more efficient use of real estate. Now, in the midst of COVID-19 when employees are predicted to visit the workplace less regularly, there is even more pressure on the real estate footprint. Flexible working is becoming even more of a necessity for a safe return to the workplace. However assigning, managing and cleaning hundreds, if not thousands, of desks across multiple office locations is a challenge for even the most agile organisations.

“It is now clear that hybrid working is here to stay and Covid has rapidly accelerated how organizations best utilize their real estate. Kadence for Desks means organizations are empowered to overcome the challenges around reducing touchpoints, clear communication to employees and optimizing space utilization. As more mobile and flexible ways of working become the norm, Kadence provides organizations with a crucial tool for a safe, confident and efficient return to the workplace.”

Dan Bladen, Co-founder and CEO at Kadence.

Kadence for Desks means that flexible desk policies such as hoteling and hot-desking can be implemented with confidence. The Kadence wireless charging LightRing uses the internationally known traffic light colours to clearly and intuitively show when a desk is safe to use. An employee knows green means clean and places their smartphone on the LightRing to enable a safe, touchless desk reservation or check-in. When a reservation ends the LightRing turns red, making it clear that the desk should not be used. Janitorial staff are instantly notified and when cleaning is complete they use the Kadence RFID keyfob to change the desk status to green, making the desk available for use again.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise who include Kadence for Desks in their portfolio of solutions to help customers with a safe return to the workplace stated:

“Kadence for Desks enables workplace leaders to provide a safe return to the office by setting social distancing policies and density rules, whilst providing clear visual communication on when desks are safe to use. This combined with a safe, touchless interaction with shared resources, and useful occupancy data insights, is a winning combination for a post-Covid workplace strategy.”

Christopher Riddles, Global IoT Workplace and Building Services Lead, HPE Pointnext Services at Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Kadence for Desks
is available now, with the Kadence LightRing becoming available in Q4 2020. Kadence for Desks completes a full end to end desk management solution when integrated with your favourite desk scheduling software. Get in touch with our team to find out more.

Enabling a Covid-safe touchless meeting experience

As employees become more comfortable working from home or from anywhere, a clear “back to work” strategy is needed to ensure a safe workplace experience and encourage the workforce back to the office. In our recent webinar, we got together with our partner Envoy and joint customer Okta to discuss what this means for the future of workplace, new challenges around ‘safe return to work’ with an introduction and walk-through of our new touchless solution for meeting room booking, Kadence for Rooms + Envoy.

What will the future of workplace look like?

As we look ahead it seems that ‘work’ as we knew it, will become ‘work from anywhere’ and providing touchless, flexible technology will be crucial to enable a great workplace experience, allowing employees to work seamlessly across different spaces. Office will become a place to experience brand and culture (just think Apple store or Tesla gallery) and a hub for collaboration – watch our webinar here to hear more from our expert panel and how Okta is rethinking their office strategy with their technology-led Experience Centres.

How to give your employees the confidence they need to return to their workplace

Spaces will be reconfigured with social distancing measures. For example, limiting meeting room capacity, unassigned/clean desk policy and introducing touchless technology such as voice control and wireless charging spot to start video conferencing.

Visual indicators and digital signage will also be a big part of the return-to-work strategy for most – from low-tech options like adhesive stickers to indicate available seats to high-tech solutions such as Kadence Wx, to find clean and available meeting rooms.

How can smart touchless technology help improve experience and efficiency?

Experience is King – because a great workplace experience helps create an emotional response and connection between employees and their company, keeping them passionate about their work. Seamless and touchless technologies are now a must not just for building a safe work environment, but enabling a great experience from the moment you enter the office. From contactless door access control to booking and checking into a meeting room or desk, this should all be enabled easily, seamlessly via one single app/device.

Watch our webinar to find out more Kadence + Envoy can help create a safer, more efficient meeting room experiences.

Kadence help employees get back to work safely with new touchless meeting room experience

Launching Kadence for Rooms : The new touchless meeting room solution that provides employees with the confidence of a safe meeting room experience in a post-covid workplace.


San Francisco and London, July 22, 2020: Kadence, the leading provider of cloud-connected wireless charging technology, has launched a first of its kind touchless meeting room solution that helps employees feel more confident about returning to work and using collaborative workspaces. ‘Kadence for Rooms’ combines a light status indicator with touchless wireless charging that automatically triggers in-room experiences. The solution integrates with leading meeting room booking and scheduling software, to instantly check-in and start in-room experiences such as video conferencing in one seamless action.

One example is the Kadence for Rooms integration with Envoy, a workplace platform provider focused on creating tools that make the workplace safer, without sacrificing a great experience or product adoption. Employees returning to the workplace can find and book clean and safe rooms when the green light-ring signifies that they are clean and available for use. Once they are in the meeting room, the employee can  simply place their smartphone on a wireless charging spot to check-in or reserve the space. This action simultaneously launches a pre-booked video conference for a quick and efficient start to a meeting. For space planners, valuable data on room usage and occupancy is captured, which helps free up unused spaces improving availability.

“Kadence takes the meeting room booking experience to a new level by connecting touchless check-in and wireless charging. It helps us create safe, touchless experiences for our customers and their employees as they plan their return to the workplace. The integration also captures space usage and occupancy data for workplace teams without having to add another device in the infrastructure,” said Matt Harris, Head of Workplace & Technology, Envoy, about the value of the joint solution for both employee and space planner.

The global pandemic has brought new challenges for space planners and has accelerated many trends that were already gaining traction, such as mobility, flexible working and how spaces can be used more seamlessly with less friction. Now, the emphasis is on reducing physical touch points and ensuring clear communication to employees to show when spaces are clean and safe to use. 

“Meetings need to be safe, touchless and more productive than ever before. Less room capacity due to social distancing will increase demand, and reliable occupancy data from touchless automatic check-in is key to increase the availability of clean and safe rooms. Companies that deploy touchless technology show their staff that they have taken appropriate steps to provide great spaces that don’t compromise safety.” commented Dan Bladen, CEO, Kadence.

Kadence for Rooms is available today, and is a full end to end meeting room solution when integrated with your favourite room scheduling and video conferencing software. The Kadence LightRing will be available in Q3 2020. Get started today with Kadence for Rooms + Envoy and get up to 10 FREE Envoy Rooms licences when you buy the Kadence Starter packs.


Want to find out more? Join Kadence and Envoy in our upcoming webinar on “How to enable a Covid-Safe touchless meeting experience” on Thursday 6th August, to discuss the challenges faced by space planners, and how this unique solution helps employees feel safe and confident as they return to the workplace.