Release 2.0.5
Team Kadence
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Assigned desks [new]

All users now get perfect visibility on who is sitting where along with better space usage insights with assigned desks to your team.


Available to Admins only, once a user is assigned and bookings are created those will be across all 3 platforms


Assigned Desks


Visitor management on Android [improvement]

Invite individual or multiple guests onsite straight from your mobile.

Available to all users on Android 


Early check-in [improvement]

Similarly to iOS users, Android users can now check in early if their booking is available.

Available to all users on Android 


Remove ‘All day’ toggle on Android [improvement]

Recently released on iOS, we have removed the “all day” toggle for the Android mobile app. If you need to make changes, simply head over to your ‘Buildings’ in the Kadence web app, and edit your building opening times.


Neighborhoods [improvement]

Shows booking information for team members in restricted Neighborhoods


German [new]

Kadence is now available in German

Head to your profile picture on the top right corner of the Kadence web app > Select ‘profile’ > choose ‘settings’ > select your preferred language

Available to all users on Kadence web and mobile apps


Multi-language German