Say Hello To Kadence Conference Room Booking For Mobile

Flexible working isn’t just turning up to the office whenever it suits us. How do we know who’ll be there, or what spaces will be available before we decide to commute? What happens when plans change at the last minute or someone needs to make a conference room booking quickly for an urgent meeting? Flexible working is the vital balance of in-person, and remote collaboration, and making great choices about where, and when we best work whether pre-planned or in-the-moment. However, managing this at scale is hard, especially when it comes to knowing who will be in the office, and when. 

Time wasted on commutes to the office, and booking great spaces to collaborate with your coworkers when it counts are proof that your teams need an easy solution. A solution that makes coordinating schedules with coworkers, booking spaces with the amenities you need and receiving notifications to check in to be just as accessible on the move as they are in the office.  

We did it with Kadence Desk booking for mobile, now say hello to Kadence Conference Room Booking for mobile.


Schedule meetings wherever you are

With Kadence conference room booking on your mobile, you can truly feel the freedom of flexible working wherever you are. Whether you’re commuting to the office, working from home, or in your favorite coffee house, having access to coworkers’ schedules to see who’s working where that day and the ability to reserve spaces in an instant, are all readily available on your mobile. With Kadence, conference room booking on your mobile is easy. Simply see when your coworkers are available on a given day by looking at your team schedule, find an available room on the office floor map, and invite your team for a meeting from wherever you are.  

Conference room booking

Find, book, and invite guests at the last-minute

As a Personal assistant, office manager, or even Team manager, booking a conference room in advance is useful for planning, yet sometimes having to find space for a last-minute meeting your CEO has with an investor, or an urgent project that needs to get started can often make things tricky. 

With Kadence conference room booking users can easily search for, find, and reserve available rooms for the specific times they need that day straight from their mobile. They can invite who they need to be there including external guests with just their email address, send meeting information, and even arrival instructions from wherever they are. Now that’s what I call convenience!

Conference room booking

Choose your amenities to find the perfect room

When you’re wanting to book a room to deliver a presentation to your board, or you need a space for a whiteboarding session with your engineering team, it’s vital to have the right amenities available to make your meeting productive and worthwhile. 

Whilst finding an available conference room is easy, finding an available conference room with all of the amenities you need during that time is even easier. On the Kadence mobile app as you make a booking, users can quickly drill down to find the perfect conference room they need by using the amenities, and room capacity filters. A fast, and no-nonsense way of booking the right room for the right purpose.Conference room booking

Never miss a check-in

Within the Kadence mobile app under ‘Profile’, users can choose to receive check-in reminders for their bookings. Simply hit the settings icon in the top right of your profile screen, and tap ‘Notifications’ to choose which ones you’d like to receive. From here, whenever you make a booking, you will receive a reminder to check into the room once the booking starts, and if you’re not around, then any other participant can check into the space to start the booking. Simply tap on the booking, and check in directly from the mobile app.

Conference room booking


Why go through the hassle of waiting to get to the office before you know what conference rooms are available? Or wasting time on complicated room booking processes when it can all be done in under 10 seconds, and from wherever you are at the time straight from your mobile?

Kadence conference room booking for mobile makes finding a perfect room, inviting guests, and checking in so easy, that it would seem silly not to try it out for yourself for free!

How do you and your teams make conference room bookings, and invite guests in the moment or on the go?


How it works?

Kadence web app

  1. Open your Kadence mobile app and go to ‘New booking’
  2. Select ‘Room’ and tap ‘Participants’
  3. From here you can choose to book the room for yourself, or your coworkers by typing their names, as well as external guests by using their email
  4. Next, choose where you want your meeting to take place
  5. Select the capacity size of the room you’re looking to book, as well as any amenities you may need for the room
  6. Add an optional meeting link if you prefer
  7. Now choose when you need your meeting to happen
  8. Next, tap ‘Select a space’, and find any suitable space on the interactive office floor map
  9. Tap on the room you’d like to book and add a meeting description so any participants know what the meeting is about
  10. When you’re done, simply tap ‘book this space’ to reserve your room

Watch the video here to see how it works




Introducing Kadence conference room booking: The easiest way to book a room

Meeting face-to-face in the office is powerful. It creates engagement, encourages community, and significantly boosts team productivity. That’s why conference room booking has become so important for hybrid workplaces. It motivates multiple people to come together in the same space to truly collaborate and innovate. 

At Kadence we found that gathering scores of people together face-to-face can quite often be hard, frustrating, and complex. That’s why we knew we needed to build a product that made finding the right room, at the right times for everybody, and for the right purpose straightforward, fast, and easy. 

So that’s what we did!

Easily find the right room with exactly what you need

When your team is looking for a conference room for a last-minute team briefing or has planned a creative workshop in advance with some of your brightest minds, there is nothing worse than wasting time trying to find the right room. Over 4 in 10 US office workers waste 60 minutes every week searching for the right spaces. That’s a lot of wasted time with an average global cost of $27.5 billion per year! 

To maximize better team coordination, users can see what rooms are available within the ‘Live office’ view on the kadence web app. By hovering over each space users can see the maximum people capacity of each space as well as the amenities they have. Users can also search for the right conference room in the ‘Bookings’ menu by using the capacity and amenities filter to quickly find the most ideal room for their meeting.

Room scheduling

No more meeting spaces going to waste

Ever been desperate to find an available space to have your team meeting, yet find yourself walking past the only available room that’s empty but shows as ‘booked’? In stating the obvious, not only is this an inconvenient and frustrating experience for your employees, but it’s also not a great use of space management.

With our conference room booking solution, you can finally say goodbye to wasted space forever! Admins can now choose to automatically release room bookings from 5 minutes up to 15 minutes from the beginning of the booking if no one has checked into their spaces.

Room scheduling

Avoid booking conflicts

One of the biggest hindrances to employee productivity is wasting precious time rounding up your troops for a meeting and finding a suitable space for your needs. Without a system in place, your office soon falls into a chaotic free-for-all space booking nightmare which wastes time, and resources, and makes for a bad experience. 

Luckily with Kadence, you can ensure you and your team are not held back or distracted by minor details. Users can see what conference rooms are available instantly on the interactive office floor map in real-time. They can also make bookings in advance and know that once their booking is locked in, it cannot be re-booked by anyone else during that time.

Room scheduling

See it in Kadence, and in your calendar

As with most people, calendars are equally as important when it comes to scheduling, space reservations, and knowing where you have to be and when. That’s why Kadence’s integration with Google and Outlook calendars makes all the difference when it comes to booking the right conference room, and inviting your team in just a few simple clicks. 

Users can book a room through their preferred calendar or the Kadence web app, and invite their teammates with zero effort. Choose an available room, add a meeting description, and add an ‘MS Teams’ or a ‘Google Meets’ meeting link so those working remotely can participate too. 

Watch a quick video here to see how it works with both Google and Outlook calendars. 

Kadence meeting room booking

Analyze how your conference rooms are being used

Understanding your employee booking habits, knowing who is booked in where, and for how long, as well as seeing which spaces are more popular than others is essential to smooth space management. 

To give your teams a great experience and to save exponential office space costs, Kadence Insights lets you drill down into your room’s usage by exporting booking data via CSVs. From here you see which users or teams are ‘super users’ as well as those who tend to book but not show up. You can also understand the usage of the conference rooms that are booked the least allowing you to repurpose these spaces and save utility costs.

Kadence meeting room booking


Many workers are wanting to return to the office. Over 67% of these want to return for face-to-face work and collaboration which is why having a conference room booking tool is so important. The bottom line here is that ‘when you lose connections, you stop innovating,’ and one of the primary ways employees feel connected is through being together in person. 

That’s why we built conference room booking into our product. We understand the true solution people need, and it’s much bigger than room booking. It’s a simple, and easy way of making coming together count.

Interested in getting started with Kadence conference room booking? Kick off your free trial today or get in touch with our team for a demo.

How easy is it for you to bring your teams together?


How it works?

Kadence web app

  1. Open the Kadence web app and go to ‘Bookings’ in the sidebar menu
  2. In the top right of your screen, click ‘New booking’
  3. Under ‘Where’ click ‘Room’ and choose your building, and floor
  4. Next, choose your minimum capacity (optional)
  5. Choose the amenities you need (optional) and click ‘When’ to select a date and time
  6. Next select ‘Who’ and type in the names or email addresses of those you’re inviting
  7. When you’re done click ‘Next’ to find a room on the interactive office floor map
  8. Click on an available room, and write a small description of what the meeting is about
  9. After, click ‘book this space’ to reserve your room

Watch the video here to see how it works 


Outlook Calendar

  1. Open your Outlook calendar, and click ‘New event’
  2. Add a meeting title, invite who you need to attend, and select a date and time for your booking
  3. Select an available room, add an MS Teams link,  and write a description of what the meeting is about
  4. Hit ‘Send’ to send an invite to your colleagues

Google Calendar

  1. Open your Google calendar, and double-click on the exact date and time you need for your booking
  2. Add a title, a Google Meets, and choose who you want to invite to your meeting under ‘Guests’
  3. Next click ‘Rooms’ to find an available room
  4. Add a small description of what your meeting is about, and click ‘Save’ to send everyone an invite

Watch the video here to see how it works 


New rooms features for hybrid working

The beginning of the ‘Return to the office’ is already happening as floods of working professional go-getters are eager to rekindle ‘colleague community’ and participate in a new era of hybrid working. Understanding that digitizing real-life connection does work for a portioned percentage of our professional roles but it doesn’t support the same stimulative collaboration you get when you’re in the same room together. 

Tipping the balancing scales in favour of fully remote is never a good idea but finding an efficient balance between remote working and returning to the office is vital for successful hybrid working. The key is finding the right easy-to-use tools to help integrate this new working eco-system into organisations. Tools to enable this balance by managing office spaces in a way that empowers your people and makes them more productive. This is why easy desk and room management software is more important now than ever.

Kadence Rooms is just the tool to help give your employees the greatest experience at work, together with their team. Today, we’re thrilled to release our hot new Rooms feature to successfully enable colleague collaboration, focused idea sessions or even pitches and presentations.

Here are some of the features we’re most excited about:

Your entire booking schedule in one place

For employees, the ability to see everything in one place is a huge driving factor for being more productive. Having a single go-to place that shows you all of your upcoming meetings and room bookings makes organisation and time management easier for your entire squad. With the Kadence mobile app you can be kept in the loop and know exactly where to be and at what time which means your team can spend less time organising and more time collaborating.

Calendar syncs for easy room booking

Part of making your day to day seamlessly simple and organised is having a useful tool that integrates with all of the other important tools you have to use. Having your schedule synced across all of your devices makes your Kadence mobile app productivity tool even more powerful. Now when you make a booking, accept invites and organise your day, it shows on your calendar.

Dynamic and smart meeting room management

With hybrid working it’s more important than ever to manage the spaces you have. With Rooms you get a clear view of who is in or out of the office with a real-time booking system. You can also see your occupied spaces and know what’s available enabling you to optimize your spaces further for your team. With a single dashboard housing customizable features for room access, administrators and workplace leaders can get a complete view of all meetings and space availability.

Safe, seamless room check-in experience

As more employees return to the office it’s critical that workplace environments are safe environments to work in. Currently reducing touchpoints is one easy solution to ensure your space is safe. It also shows your team you care for their health which will give them peace of mind in the office and allow them to work without worry. With touchless mobile check-in employees can simply tap on their own device, self certify before booking and locate their reserved meeting spaces with a color-coded floorplan.

Book a demo with one of our team today to see how Kadence could help you create an effective hybrid workplace.