The Benefits of Asynchronous Work with Paige Goldstein

As we navigate the modern work landscape, the traditional 9-to-5 model is rapidly losing its relevance. Enter asynchronous work—a transformative approach that transcends time zones and fixed schedules.

I recently chatted with Paige Goldstein, a self-proclaimed digital nomad and co-host of the Fill Your Sol podcast. We chatted about her flexible style of working and how employers could increase productivity by working asynchronously. Watch our full chat here:

This blog delves into the myriad benefits of working asynchronously, offering insights and practical strategies to help teams excel in this innovative framework.

The Hallmarks of Asynchronous Work

Flexibility and Autonomy

The hallmark of asynchronous work is the unparalleled flexibility it provides. Employees are liberated from rigid schedules, allowing them to choose work hours that align with their personal lives. This flexibility fosters a healthier work-life balance, reducing stress and preventing burnout.

Boosted Productivity

Asynchronous work taps into individual productivity peaks. By empowering employees to work when they’re most efficient, tasks are completed with greater precision and speed. This personalized approach maximizes output, benefiting the entire team.

Global Talent Pool

Geographical barriers vanish. Companies can now access a global talent pool, hiring the best minds regardless of location. This diversity drives innovation and brings a wealth of perspectives to the table.

Fewer Meetings, More Focus

Traditional work environments are often disrupted by frequent meetings and interruptions. Asynchronous work minimizes real-time meetings, allowing employees to concentrate on deep work. Communication becomes more intentional, conducted through written updates and collaborative tools.

Enhanced Communication Skills

Asynchronous work necessitates clear, concise communication. Without the luxury of immediate clarification, messages must be thorough and well-articulated. This practice hones overall communication skills, promoting transparency and accountability.

Elevated Job Satisfaction

When employees control their schedules and integrate work with personal activities, job satisfaction soars. A harmonious work-life balance boosts morale, fostering long-term commitment and loyalty to the organization.

Cost Efficiency

Organizations can realize significant cost savings with asynchronous work. Reduced need for physical office space cuts expenses related to rent, utilities, and supplies. Employees also save on commuting, contributing to a more sustainable business model.

Results-Oriented Culture

Working asynchronously shifts the focus from hours worked to results achieved. This meritocratic approach rewards performance based on output and quality, creating a motivating environment where contributions are valued.

Implementing Asynchronous Work: Practical Tips

Define Clear Expectations

Success in asynchronous work hinges on clear expectations. Set defined goals, deadlines, and communication protocols to ensure alignment. Regular updates and reviews help adapt to evolving needs.

Leverage the Right Tools

Invest in tools that facilitate seamless asynchronous collaboration. Platforms like Slack, Trello, and Google Workspace streamline communication and task management, supporting a cohesive workflow. And of course, Kadence is your ultimate partner in aligning your teams, so you can find those important moments to collaborate.

Build a Trusting Culture

Trust is the foundation of working asynchronously. Leaders must trust their teams to manage time effectively and deliver quality work. This trust fosters a positive, empowered work environment.

Provide Training and Support

Equip employees with the skills needed for asynchronous work. Offer training on time management, communication, and collaboration tools. Continuous feedback and support ensure ongoing improvement.

How Kadence Enhances Asynchronous Work

Transitioning is seamless with Kadence, a comprehensive hybrid workplace management software.

Streamlined Coordination

Kadence offers tools for desk booking, room scheduling, and visitor management, optimizing physical space usage. Its intuitive interface helps employees plan their workdays, whether at home or in the office.

Efficient Communication

Kadence supports asynchronous communication, reducing the need for constant real-time meetings. Teams can share updates and collaborate at their own pace, minimizing disruptions and enhancing focus.

In-Depth Analytics

Kadence provides workplace analytics to inform decisions about space and resource management. These insights help optimize operations for a hybrid work model.

Seamless Integration

Kadence integrates with existing tech stacks, ensuring a smooth transition to asynchronous work. Whether using project management software, communication platforms, or calendars, Kadence enhances your team’s efficiency and effectiveness.

A Final Thought

Asynchronous work is a game-changer, offering benefits from increased productivity and job satisfaction to cost savings and global talent access. Embracing this approach can lead to a more flexible, inclusive, and efficient work environment. Tools like Kadence support this transition, providing the necessary infrastructure to thrive asynchronously. Explore Kadence and take the first step towards a more productive and balanced future.

Nine Micro Moments to Build Team Culture with Michelle Hartley

For distributed teams, building a strong team culture is more important than ever. Creating meaningful connections among remote and in-office employees can seem challenging, but it’s achievable through small, intentional actions.

I recently sat down with Managing Director of People Sorted, Michelle Hartley. She’s a HR wiz and has supported hybrid companies in different sectors connect and build a resilient company culture. Check out our full conversation where she offers some tips on what HR Managers can implement to support their teams.

One of her key recommendations was to look past grand gestures like company away days to bring people together. The best leaders are those who implement small and frequent displays of appreciation and connection that makes employees feel like they are acknowledged and belong to the company. These “micro moments”, as she calls them, are simple yet powerful ways to foster a positive and inclusive team culture.

Here, we’ll explore nine micro moments that can transform your team’s dynamics and strengthen your company’s culture.

1. Half Agendas

Half agendas are an innovative approach to meetings that can significantly enhance team culture. Traditional meetings often have packed agendas, leaving little room for spontaneous discussion. By intentionally leaving half of the agenda open, you create space for creativity, brainstorming, and addressing unforeseen issues. This approach not only makes meetings more engaging, but also empowers team members to contribute their ideas and feel heard.

For instance, imagine a product development meeting where the first half is dedicated to updates and the second half is open for discussing new ideas or solving current challenges. This flexibility can lead to more dynamic and productive discussions, fostering a sense of collaboration and shared ownership among team members.

2. Unstructured Time

In a remote or hybrid work setting, unstructured time can be a valuable opportunity for team members to connect on a personal level. Unlike structured meetings, unstructured time allows for spontaneous interactions, much like the casual conversations that happen in office break rooms.

Encourage your team to schedule “virtual coffee breaks” or “water cooler chats” where there’s no set agenda. These informal gatherings can help build relationships, reduce feelings of isolation, and create a sense of camaraderie. For example, a 15-minute virtual coffee chat once a week can provide a much-needed break and a chance to catch up with colleagues in a relaxed setting.

3. Thank You Notes

Never underestimate the power of a simple postcard or thank you note. In our digital age, receiving a physical note can be a delightful surprise and a tangible reminder that someone appreciates you. Sending personalized thank you notes to team members for their hard work, achievements, or just to say thank you can make a significant impact.

For example, a manager might send a handwritten note to a team member who went above and beyond on a project. This small gesture can boost morale, reinforce positive behavior, and show that you value their contributions.

4. Social Media Shoutouts

Social media shoutouts are a modern way to recognize and celebrate your team’s achievements publicly. Highlighting individual or team successes on your company’s social media platforms not only acknowledges their hard work but also showcases your company culture to a wider audience.

Imagine posting a shoutout on LinkedIn for a team that completed a major project ahead of schedule. This public recognition can boost team morale, enhance your company’s reputation, and encourage other employees to strive for excellence.

5. Surprise Deliveries

Everyone loves surprises, especially when they come in the form of surprise deliveries. Sending unexpected gifts to your team members’ homes can create a sense of excitement and appreciation. These can be anything from a box of gourmet cookies to a personalized gift that reflects their interests.

For instance, a surprise delivery of a wellness kit including a scented candle, herbal tea, and a stress ball can show that you care about your team members’ well-being. These thoughtful gestures can enhance team spirit and show your employees that they are valued.

6. Virtual Celebrations

Celebrating milestones and achievements is crucial for maintaining a positive team culture. Virtual celebrations can be just as effective as in-person ones when done right. Whether it’s a birthday, work anniversary, or a project completion, taking the time to celebrate can strengthen team bonds.

Host a virtual party with fun activities like trivia games, virtual happy hours, or themed dress-up days. For example, you could organize a virtual celebration for a team member’s birthday, complete with a digital birthday card signed by the whole team and a cake delivered to their door. These celebrations create memorable moments and reinforce a sense of community.

7. Digital Badges

Digital badges are a modern and effective way to recognize and reward employees for their achievements. These badges can be displayed on internal communication platforms or professional networks like LinkedIn. They serve as a visible acknowledgment of skills, accomplishments, and contributions.

For example, awarding a “Project Management Pro” badge to a team member who successfully led a challenging project can boost their confidence and encourage others to aspire to similar achievements. Digital badges not only provide recognition, but also motivate continuous learning and development.

8. Professional Development

Investing in professional development shows your team that you care about their growth and future. Offering opportunities for training, attending conferences, or taking online courses can enhance their skills and career prospects.

Consider setting up a professional development fund that employees can use for courses or certifications relevant to their roles. For instance, a marketing professional might use the fund to take an advanced digital marketing course. Supporting professional development not only improves individual performance, but also contributes to the overall success of the team and company.

9. Mental Health Support

Supporting your team’s mental health is crucial, especially in a hybrid work environment where stress and isolation can be prevalent. Offering mental health support can make a significant difference in their well-being and productivity.

Provide access to resources such as counseling services, mental health days, and stress management workshops. For example, organizing a monthly webinar on mindfulness and stress reduction techniques can help your team manage their mental health effectively. Showing empathy and understanding towards mental health challenges creates a supportive and caring work environment.

Coordinate Team Time with Kadence

Building a strong team culture in a hybrid work environment doesn’t have to be daunting. By incorporating these nine micro moments into your routine, you can create a positive, inclusive, and dynamic team culture. These gestures not only enhance team morale and productivity, but also foster a sense of belonging and community.

Remember, it’s the small, consistent actions that build a strong and resilient team culture. Start implementing these micro moments today and watch your team thrive. Offset these all with regular in person team days. With Kadence, you can reserve days and spaces for teams together. And with our Smart Suggestions tool, you can find out when your colleagues are going into the office so you can book a desk nearby. Find out more about Kadence by seeing what it can do for your team.

How to Stay Connected to Your Hybrid Team with Steve Cockram

As Head of People and Partnerships at Kadence, one of the things I ask myself most regularly is “how do we better communicate as a team?”.

Operating as a distributed team, we are spread all over the world. For that reason, it’s really important for us to feel like we don’t sacrifice on connection and cohesion as an organization and group of people.

In a recent chat with Steve Cockram of GiANT Worldwide, I got into the topic of how to stay connected as a hybrid team — and why it’s so important for companies navigating a new era of work.

This is a summary of the ideas and insights that came up in our conversation. Please also check out my full conversation with Steve where he goes into even more detail of how to stay connected as a hybrid team.

Hybrid work: no longer just a nice to have

Hybrid work is still seen as a “nice to have”.

That means that leaders and managers acknowledge its importance for the health of their business, but they continue to forget to take it on board with regularity and intention. Basically: it falls to the bottom of the pile.

It’s high time we started to view hybrid work as an urgent, must-have solution that runs at the core of a company’s business and people objectives.

Hybrid is about much more than setting up a desk booking system and telling people to come into the office two days a week.

It’s about having an actionable strategy in place to ensure that your people are getting adequate relational connection (as put by Steve) — the lifeblood of emotional health.

But what does “adequate relational connection” actually entail, and why is it so important?

Building trust and relationships beyond the screen

The pandemic steered the course of professional work firmly towards screens.

From a situation where real life communication was the norm — working in an office five days a week — suddenly employees found themselves relying predominantly on Zoom calls (from home!) for social interaction.

The change happened overnight — and it somehow tricked us all into believing video calls are a like-for-like replacement of real meetings.

The truth couldn’t be more different.

As human beings, we rely deeply on in-person communication and interaction for our well-being. It’s this relational connection that builds trust and makes us feel happy and fulfilled — like we belong in a community.

Without this enormous part of us being addressed, no number of Zoom calls can fill the gap. Put very simply — if we’re not getting enough quality time together, our wellbeing, sense of community and productivity will all suffer.

HR teams are generally well aware of wellbeing and the need for their people to stay happy and healthy. And yet few have managed to connect the dots between hybrid, home working and emotional health and wellbeing.

Perhaps it’s time to flip the script on what it means to meet up in work contexts.

Rethinking time together

So how, as a leader, do you go about putting into practice what you know about the importance of in-person meeting for your team’s overall health?

According to Steve, staying connected as a hybrid team is all about reimagining what it means to meet up as a team.

A lot of the time, business owners are thinking about how to make in-person meetings more efficient and productive. As though the time spent together needs to showcase everyone “working harder” or “achieving outcomes”.

But Steve argues that it’s actually more important to view these social gatherings as exactly that — social gatherings.

Whether it’s quarterly, monthly, or weekly all-hands meet ups at the office — companies should start thinking about providing platforms for social connection with no strings attached.

The time you spend with your teammates together is a precious resource, and it shouldn’t be wasted on work tasks that could easily be done remotely.

The objectives therefore have to be different — less focused on direct business objectives and more geared towards deepening relational connection and trust.

The best part? The more you develop a concrete strategy for ensuring your team are connecting and communicating on a regular basis, the more you’ll see your business and bottom line flourish as a result.

This isn’t the first time the world of work has undergone monumental changes.

When the industrial revolution brought millions of people from rural work settings to cities, it took governments and organizations a long while to understand how to build legislation that kept people healthy and happy.

The same is happening with hybrid work now.

Managers and business leaders are trying their best to navigate a new era of working, but most are still yet to realise that the puzzle is incomplete without one large piece – people.

Time and time again, we see how the health of teams — as measured by the teams themselves — proves to be the most helpful metric on the dashboard of a CEO. It correlates directly with their likelihood of success.

So don’t cut short those lunches, coffees, team dinners. Enjoy them. They’re all part of deepening connections and trust between your employees that feeds back into the wellbeing of your business.

When people flourish, companies flourish. And at Kadence, our mission is to ensure you stay connected with your hybrid team.

GiANT Worldwide is a global leadership consultancy that helps thousands of leaders from companies of all sizes — from startups to Fortune 500s. Their innovative “5 Voices” self assessment tool gives leaders a better indication of their own natural leadership voice, from “Pioneer” to “Connector” and “Nurturer”. Once a leader has discovered their own voice, they become more self-aware; a better communicator; a quicker decision maker, and ultimately a better manager.

Exploring the Future of Work: Understanding Hybrid Remote Work

Welcome to a new era of work. Traditional notions of where and how work gets done have been redefined. But what is hybrid remote work? This new terminology has become commonplace. It’s now an integral part of both how companies choose to operate and the attraction of jobs to employees.

In this article, we delve into what hybrid remote work entails, its benefits, challenges, and how individuals and businesses can navigate this new paradigm.

What is Hybrid Remote Work?

Organized Hybrid work represents a flexible approach to work. It combines elements of remote work with in-person office attendance. It allows employees to enjoy the best of both worlds.

There is the freedom and autonomy of remote work and the collaboration and connection that come with being in the office. It’s about striking a balance between the convenience of working from home and the advantages of face-to-face interaction.

The Rise of Hybrid Remote Work

The COVID-19 pandemic served as a catalyst for the widespread adoption of remote work. As organizations scrambled to adapt to lockdowns and social distancing measures, remote work became the norm virtually overnight.

However, as restrictions eased and businesses began to reopen, many companies found themselves grappling with the question of how to move forward. Enter hybrid remote work.

For some, the transition to remote work was seamless, highlighting the potential for increased productivity, cost savings, and improved work-life balance. However, others found themselves missing the social aspect of the office and struggling to maintain a sense of connection with their colleagues. Hybrid work emerged as a compromise, allowing employees to enjoy the flexibility of remote work, while still facilitating in-person collaboration when needed.

Use Kadence to book nearby Adam who is sitting at Desk 2 on Wednesday
Benefits of Hybrid Remote Work

One of the key benefits of hybrid working is its flexibility. By allowing employees to choose where they work, businesses can attract top talent from around the globe and accommodate diverse lifestyles and preferences. This flexibility also extends to work hours, enabling individuals to structure their day in a way that maximizes productivity and well-being.

Hybrid remote work can lead to cost savings for both employees and employers. With reduced commuting expenses and overhead costs associated with maintaining office space, individuals can enjoy greater financial freedom. Businesses can reallocate resources towards more strategic initiatives, such as employee development and innovation. And even more, all of this has a positive contribution to reducing a company’s carbon footprint.

This approach also has the potential to foster a more inclusive and diverse workforce. By removing geographical barriers to employment, organizations can tap into talent pools that were previously inaccessible. Remote work arrangements can accommodate individuals with disabilities or caregiving responsibilities, opening up opportunities for greater participation in the workforce.

Challenges of Hybrid Remote Work

Despite its numerous benefits, hybrid work also presents its fair share of challenges. One of the most significant concerns is maintaining a sense of company culture and cohesion. With employees working from various locations, fostering a strong sense of belonging and connection can be more challenging. Organizations must invest in strategies to facilitate communication, collaboration, and team bonding in a virtual environment.

Much of this can be solved by having in place an operations system that can organize calendars and desk booking. Employees can book time in the office when they need and share when they’re working remotely.

Managing performance and productivity in a hybrid remote work setting requires a shift in mindset and approach. Traditional metrics of success, such as time spent in the office, may no longer be relevant. Instead, organizations need to focus on outcomes and results, measuring performance based on deliverables rather than hours worked.

See which day Willa, Michael, and Jane are in the office and book nearby on the Kadence mobile app
Navigating the Future of Work

As we navigate the complexities, it’s essential to approach this new opportunity with intentionality and adaptability. For individuals, this may involve honing skills such as time management, communication, and self-discipline to thrive in a remote environment. It’s also crucial to prioritize work-life balance and establish boundaries between work and personal life.

For businesses, embracing hybrid work requires a strategic approach to leadership, culture, and technology. Leaders must cultivate a culture of trust, accountability, and flexibility, empowering employees to take ownership of their work and outcomes. Investing in technology and infrastructure that supports remote collaboration and communication is also critical for success.

Consider Kadence

Kadence is the software that can help you and your team find your rhythm of work. The key to successful hybrid work is a software that helps you manage and adopt an organized hybrid model.

Our Smart Suggestions feature recommends when to head into the office. Teammates can easily find time to collaborate together, and even choose a desk next to each other.

With Kadence Flex, you can book desks at a number of available co-working spaces across the globe. This is helpful if you have a distributed workforce who may not be located near offices.

Using our Insights feature, Kadence gives you a detailed guide of how your team use the offices available to them. Reports will tell you what spaces are being wasted so you can save on real estate costs.

Kadence seamlessly integrates with your existing technology tools. You can use Kadence in Slack, Teams and more without disrupting your workflow. Communication is made easy.

Together, we can build a future of work that is both fulfilling and sustainable for all. By embracing flexibility, autonomy, and inclusivity, organizations can harness the full potential of hybrid remote work. Drive innovation, productivity, and employee satisfaction by remaining agile, empathetic, and open to experimentation. This is the future of work.

Book a demo today.

Master Team Productivity with the Homepage Dashboard

Team Productivity is the single most important thing companies are trying to get right in 2023.

In a world of hybrid work, being agile, informed, and proactive is no longer a luxury—Team Productivity is a necessity. Kadence’s new Homepage Dashboard helps you stay ahead and make smart decisions about your work schedule.

Let’s explore how our newest features help you master your hybrid work routine.

Stay Connected with Starred Colleagues

Boost Team Productivity by seeing who's going to be in the office
Smart notifications let you know when to reschedule your bookings.

Collaboration thrives on connectivity. With My Starred Colleagues, you can easily view your team’s schedules. You can also get notified about their office arrival or any sudden cancellations.

This deep synchronization ensures you’re never out of the loop. No more second-guessing your office trips, or missing great opportunities for face-to-face time.

Predict the Office Pulse for the Week

Enhance Team Productivity by seeing who's in on any day of the week
Easily see who’s going in on a team day.

Ever walked into the office expecting a bustling environment only to be met with silence? No more. My Office Activity lets you gauge the week’s office pulse at a quick scan.

Whether you’re aiming for collaborative days or solitude for deep work, you’ll know exactly when the commute is worth it.

My Schedule: Seamlessly Navigate Your Week

Get prompted to make a booking if you've already planned to go in
Instant smart suggestions let you know that you haven’t booked your space for when you’ve planned to go into the office.

A comprehensive view of your booking schedule. Check in, manage bookings, and get a clear picture of where you need to be. With My Schedule, juggling between apps and emails is history. One glance, and you’re in control of your week.

Let Kadence Guide Your Decisions

Smart Suggestions let you know when a teammate has cancelled their booking so you can reschedule
Smart Suggestions let you know when a teammate has cancelled their booking so you can reschedule.

Kadence isn’t just a tool; it’s your intelligent work partner. With Smart Suggestions Kadence offers the prompts you need exactly when you need them:

  • Team Kadences: Know when your squad hits the office.
  • Starred colleagues: Stay updated on your closest colleagues’ plans.
  • Office capacity: Be alerted when the office is in high demand, allowing you to secure your spot.

Kadence thinks so you don’t have to. It knows your schedule, preferences, and needs, ensuring you’re always prepared.

Final Thought

In a world of hybrid work that can sometimes feel hard to navigate, let Kadence chart your course. Our new Homepage Dashboard is more than just a tool. It’s your work compass, helping you make decisions throughout the week.

P.S. Want to see it in action? Check it out here and take your hybrid game plan to the next level.

Make Your Time Count With Smart Booking Suggestions

In today’s fast-paced world, managing your Smart Hybrid Workplace efficiently is more important than ever. Smart Booking Suggestions keep you informed about when your favorite colleagues or teammates will be in the office, allowing you to plan your workday and connect with them in person. It also alerts you when the office is getting full, ensuring you can book your space in time.

In this blog, we’ll discuss how these Smart Booking Suggestions can help you easily plan your week, get the best times to connect with your teammates, and prioritize when you need to commute to the office.

Easily Plan Your Week Ahead

Team Coordination

Smart Booking Suggestions takes the guesswork out of planning your workweek. With real-time updates on your teammates’ schedules, you can make informed decisions about when to book your workspace, ensuring you’re present in the office when it matters most.

No more last-minute cancelations or double bookings – just a seamless, stress-free way to organize your week and maximize productivity.

Get The Best Times To Connect With Your Teammates

Smart Workplace

Collaboration is key to a successful work environment, and Kadence’s Smart Booking Suggestions make it easier than ever to connect with your colleagues.

By getting notified when your favorite teammates or colleagues are planning to be in the office, you can schedule face-to-face meetings, brainstorming sessions, or even a coffee break to catch up. Strengthen your working relationships and foster a collaborative atmosphere by making the most of your time in the office.

Prioritize When You Need To Commute To The Office

optimized space

Commuting can be time-consuming and expensive. Kadence’s Smart Booking Suggestions help you prioritize when you need to be in the office, ensuring you only commute when it’s necessary.

By staying up-to-date with office capacity and your teammates’ schedules, you can plan your workdays more effectively, saving time and resources. Say goodbye to unnecessary commutes and hello to a smarter, more streamlined work routine.


Smart Booking Suggestions is a game-changer for creating a  Smart Hybrid Workplace, enabling you to easily plan your week, connect with your colleagues, and prioritize your office visits. With real-time updates and intelligent suggestions, Kadence helps you maximize your time and create a more efficient, productive, and enjoyable work environment.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your smart workplace to the next level. Book a demo with our team today and experience the benefits for yourself!

Equipping workplace managers to handle any storm

New Covid health concerns around the new omicron variant have quickly thrust workplace leaders into another new wave of learning, innovating, and adapting. They’ve become pretty good at it so far and those using Kadence are ready for any storm that may approach. Yet for those still on the search for a solution, managing teams and spaces within their organizations, as well as implementing new processes that are future proof can very quickly become too much. 

Alongside this, the inevitable added uncertainty of omicron is another new strain on the mental health and well-being of both employers and employees which is sadly often overlooked.  Leaders need help with simple tools that make an instant difference which is exactly why companies are turning to Kadence. 

Here are some features workplace leaders can use now to help break the endless cycle of employee loneliness and bring their people back safely to re-connect with their office community, collaborate with their teammates, and thrive in their work.

Easy access team schedules – To help your people connect



To help break the habit of employee loneliness, Kadence gives you the context you need to help you bring your teams together easily. In one overview see when and where employees are working and see who they’re working with. Find out more about our people coordination solution

Self-certify to keep employees safe – So everyone has peace of mind


Allow employees to self-certify before checking in to their reserved spaces from 1hr, 2hrs, or 24hrs of their arrival and prevent employees from checking in if they have not self-certified. Set the parameters your people need to keep them safe. Check out this post to learn how to bring your team back together safely in the new year.

Manage office traffic efficiently – So your teams can collaborate in a safe space


Block out particular spaces or neighborhoods to implement social distance space booking for added safety. Book different teams in for certain days or times of the week to avoid too much cross-over and repeat any bookings you like to keep up with regular team connection. 

Find out more about our desk scheduling & room scheduling solutions

Safely manage your team’s return in the New Year

If you’re planning a safe return to the office for your team in the New Year, it’s important to put the right steps in place to ensure your team can be productive and safe while they work and collaborate. 

With new variants and added uncertainty, there will continue to be ebbs and flows, ups and downs, as companies open up their offices again for Hybrid…which is exactly why companies are turning to Kadence.

The solution needs to be simple to use and fast to rollout, and now with Kadence it is. With all the essential tools you need in one place, you can quickly and effectively make sure your entire office is secure, and safe for your employees to return – here’s how.

Simple health sign-in – Ensure a safe and secure re-entry to the office

Admins can set health screening guidelines to align with their company’s health and safety policies. Determine employee health instructions and include anything you want from vaccine mandates to wearing a mask. Release desk bookings for no-shows and allow employees to book spaces up to 3 months in advance. Allow employees and visitors to self-certify before checking in to their reserved spaces from 1hr, 2hrs, or 24hrs of their arrival and prevent employees from checking in if they have not self-certified. With Kadence simple health sign-in, you set the parameters to keep your people safe. Find out more about our visitor management solution.


Self certify Workspace Scheduling Software

Team contact tracing – Manage people’s safety in the office

Access your team’s schedule in the Teams Activity overview to see when and where employees are working and see who they’re working with on the interactive floorplan. Know which spaces they’ve booked now and in the future and block out particular spaces or neighborhoods to implement social distance space booking for added safety.

Find out more about our people coordination solution.


People coordination - Workspace Scheduling Software

Touchless experience – An all-in-one booking tool, all-in-one place

Employees can also book any space that’s available either near colleagues or anywhere on the floorplan with the right amenities they need for the day eg. Sit-stand desk, monitors, keyboard, etc. Reserve a private room for a group meeting, book a parking space for their ride, and admins can book on behalf of others all within the mobile app booking flow.

Find out more about our desk scheduling & room scheduling solutions.



Oversee capacity limits – Rich space usage insights for easy decision making

Easily understand space usage insights so you can set building and floor capacity limits and re-assign employees to under-used space. Control booking permission levels to anyone you choose and book on behalf of others helping you bring your team together on particular days.


Desk Management Software



Check out this post to learn how to set up self-certification to help meet the U.S. vaccination mandate requirements.

Interested to see how Kadence can help bring your team back to the office safely? Book a demo with one of our team today to find out more.

The One Step You Shouldn’t Skip To Encourage Hybrid Collaboration

Here’s the simple truth. The success of your return to the office plan and the way you approach the next phase of work will determine the level of employee job satisfaction in your company. It will play a pivotal role in attracting and retaining talent in the future.

You could rally your troops back to the office in the hope of reviving collaboration and productivity but you know that’s not likely to work. Too much has changed.

Most US and UK employees anticipate easier collaboration (60%) and better productivity (52%) after returning to the office – provided it caters to their needs and creates opportunities for those watercooler chats that leave them happier and energized for an hour and more afterward. A lack of chance encounters and in-person meetings will leave your people struggling to build trust and strengthen the emotional bonds that are essential to effective collaboration and wellbeing, particularly in a hybrid workplace.

However, orchestrating these isn’t that easy when more than a third of office workers expect to choose their working hours and location. Nearly half (44%) of them struggle with poor work-life balance and feel they need to be “always on”.

Employees may quit if you can’t offer flexible working

If you don’t allow your people the flexibility of personal work routines, you might lose them – or face a rise in anxiety and depression among employees alongside the resulting fall in company productivity. Yet, with flexibility comes the challenge of creating and maintaining an inclusive culture that doesn’t risk remote employees feeling like second class citizens.

The solution? You already know it.

Establish a people-first hybrid workplace that promotes natural collaboration

What many don’t realize is – it starts with the return to the office plan. Using it merely to take care of the logistics and safety precautions of opening the office doors would be a missed opportunity. Instead, allow it to build the foundation for a hybrid workplace that:

  • Gives people ownership of their workday – think flexibility of choosing when they come in, how often, and where they sit; and a workplace app that ensures a seamless desk and room booking experience).
  • Enables personal and team cadences with a balance of synchronous and asynchronous collaboration. They will be the difference between presenteeism – being in the office as a performative measure but working less efficiently due to exhaustion, illness, etc. – and joyful productivity at work.
  • Establishes inclusive hybrid meetings as the new norm, including desk booking software that focuses on facilitating collaboration by showing your colleagues’ cadences or allowing short- and long-term group bookings.
  • Creates a test-and-optimize process for continuously improving the workplace experience without relying on countless employee surveys.

The key is in the right mix of all the essential ingredients.

To discover the exact steps to creating a hybrid workplace that attracts and keeps the best talent – download our Complete Guide to Building a Return to the Office Plan.

5 new product features to boost your return-to-workplace plan

While workplace leaders may be eager for their people to return to the office, some employees are still feeling unsure, and enjoyed the comforts of working from home. The workplace should be a place people want to return to, and you can start with offering solutions that address their concerns, and tools that make the experience seamless and better.

Here are some of our new product features to help you and your teams navigate through your return-to-work plans:

  1. Quicker sign-on for faster adoption
  2. Faster on-boarding with directory sync
  3. Delegate booking for easier collaboration
  4. Auto desk release to improve availability
  5. Building insights to optimize spaces

Quicker sign-on for faster adoption

To create the best workplace experience for your people, we make it simple for workplace managers to integrate with their existing workplace systems or workflows. Users can now login with single sign-on, meaning there’s no need for registration as the authentication is managed by your SSO integration. Keeping the onboarding flow easy and seamless also lowers friction for employees and helps increase adoption.

Faster on-boarding with directory sync

Workplace managers can sync with their preferred directory to automatically provision users without having to invite them individually, so that organizations can sync all of their employees’ records in just a few clicks.

We take our data privacy and security responsibilities very seriously, and only store data that is absolutely necessary. With our single sign-on and directory sync integrations, workplace managers no longer need to keep track of different sets of corporate credentials, eliminating the risk of identity or password theft, giving peace of mind to both the organization and users.

Delegate booking for easier collaboration

Effective desk booking software should always do the heavy lifting for you – making it easy for employees to find and book the right spaces they need. With our latest release, team managers, personal assistants, and admins can now book spaces on behalf of others within their team to make on-site collaboration and management frictionless and simple.

Auto desk release to improve availability

With a lower office capacity in the new normal workplace, there is a greater need to use data to understand how desks are being used, and make better data-driven office space planning decisions moving forward. With our latest release, admins can now set desks to release after a specified elapsed time if an employee hasn’t checked in to their booking – to eliminate recurring ghost bookings and improve overall desk availability.

Building insights to optimize spaces

To create the best workplace experience for your people, you first need to understand the way your spaces are currently used, and the needs of your employees. Our ‘Building’ insights dashboard gives you an overview of occupancy across any building, floor, or office neighborhood, and lets you compare how spaces are being used by selecting the data you need:

  • Future bookings
  • Actual check-ins
  • Wasted bookings (no-shows or early check-outs)
  • Daily capacity insights to keep a close eye on busy areas and allocate resources accordingly

Find out more about Kadence analytics here

Book a demo with one of our team today to see how Kadence’s desk booking software could help you create an effective hybrid workplace.

The Complete Guide to Office Lingo Post-2020

Social distancing, shutdown order, household bubbles. The pandemic has introduced a host of words and phrases you probably hadn’t heard of pre-2020. It’s changed the way we speak about the workplace too. From hybrid working to desk hoteling, there’s a whole new vocabulary you need to get to grips with as the world returns to the office and adjusts to a new normal.

Desk hoteling

Internet searches for ‘desk hoteling’ rose by 657% in 12 months. But what does it mean?

Just as for a real hotel, desk hoteling means booking ahead. But rather than a bed, employees book a desk in the office for a defined period of time, and check in when they arrive. Alas, unlike a real hotel you don’t get a buffet breakfast, mini bar or Egyptian cotton sheets.

Desk hoteling brings many benefits. From an employee perspective, you can choose when you work and who you sit with so you can make the most of your time in the workplace. From an organization’s point of view, check-in and booking data allows you to plan your workspaces based on actual and forecast usage. You can create an office that has just the right balance between collaborative and quiet space, and you can ensure desks are clean and ready for use when they’re needed.

It goes a long way to allaying common concerns around hot desking – from health and safety to not being able to find a spot to sit at. Desk hoteling is made possible through desk booking software such as Kadence. The software lets employees book a desk and check in through an intuitive app, and gives organizations a dashboard of usage data to help inform planning.

Asynchronous communication

Before the pandemic, most white-collar workers sat in the same place 9 to 5, Monday to Friday, and the . the back and forth of communication was relatively synchronized.

But with people working remotely, that’s all changed. Expectations around communication have shifted, and increasingly it happens through online tools, such as Slack, MS Teams, Google Docs or good old-fashioned email. People’s working hours are also more flexible; if you like to start early or you need to pop out for the school run mid-afternoon, that’s often okay.

All this points to asynchronous communication, where it’s not necessary for both people in a conversation to be “present” at the same time. You send a message but accept it might not be read and replied to until later.

You’ll no doubt be used to it on some level already, but post-pandemic the balance between synchronous and asynchronous communication has tipped heavily towards the latter.

Hybrid working

The pandemic has shown just how productive we can be working away from the office. No longer is the boss suspicious of anyone choosing to WFH. The productivity, wellbeing and financial benefits are clear for all to see.

With hybrid working, employees divide their working week between their home (or other remote location) and the office. For some, that might mean set days at home and set days in the office. For others, it might be more flexible, only coming in when there’s a team meeting happening, or if they want some peace and quiet away from a busy house-share or kids at home.

It’s a rare gem where the best of both worlds really is achievable. You get the benefits of home working without losing out on the benefits of office working.

Hybrid meetings

Collaboration, idea generation and decision-making. Meetings are an essential component of a high-functioning organization, and they’re going hybrid too. With a workforce spread across different locations, hybrid meetings include both remote and in-person attendees. They’re a great way to ensure business continuity doesn’t suffer and hybrid collaboration is possible when you’ve got some of your team coming into the office and some working remotely.


In a remote first organization, working away from the corporate office is the preferred option. The organization still provides a central workplace for occasions when employees need or want to work from the office. It’s a type of hybrid working, with the emphasis on working remotely. 

Remote working

Remote working has become the new normal. It simply means working away from your organization’s usual workplace. Cloud-based software, always-on Wi Fi and video conferencing have made it all possible. Can you imagine if the pandemic had hit before the internet?

Contact Tracing

As we go back to the office amid potential new waves of the virus, contact tracing is a feature many organizations are factoring in. Desk booking and check-in software make it easy. You have data that shows you exactly who has sat at each desk, and at what times.

Occupancy data

Data is a key component of an effective hybrid workplace. Because individual employees don’t have their own desk, greater responsibility falls to the office manager or workspace planner to create an environment that people enjoy being in and is conducive to good work.

Occupancy data tells you how a space is used by your employees. You can observe trends over time and – if you have desk booking software – look at usage forecasts. With data at your fingertips you can create a workplace that’s perfectly in tune with your people’s needs.

Occupancy sensors

Occupancy sensors can tell you how many people are using a room, neighborhood or floor. They detect movement and count the number of people in a space. Unlike desk booking software, they can’t give you hyperlocal data on how each desk is used or provide usage forecasts.

Office Neighborhoods 

A hybrid workplace using desk hoteling gives office managers and space planners the flexibility to create spaces attuned to employees’ needs – office neighborhoods are a way of organizing your office to ensure those needs are fulfilled. A neighborhood is a dedicated area where communities of employees sit – typically between 30 to 60 people – who require similar amenities or need to work closely together. Neighborhoods can be based around a variety of needs, including job function, project or activity (for example, some tasks might require quiet, calm space, others might demand more collaborative space).


If you ever dreamt of muting a co-worker, the pandemic made it a real-life possibility. “You’re on mute” became the workplace meme of 2020 – as we all watched colleagues mouthing silently and then scrabbling for their mouse to unmute – and it’s not going away anytime soon.

Water cooler chat

One of the casualties of the pandemic, the water cooler chat describes those unplanned, serendipitous encounters you’d enjoy with colleagues throughout the working day. The weather, the weekend or the family. Whatever the topic, they can brighten up a grey day, establish friendships and break down barriers. 

For many workers, they’re one of the main reasons they favor a mix of home and office working.In a recent survey of 1500 business professionals we carried out, 55% described them as one of the best things about office work.

The pandemic has turned our view of the traditional office on its head. The future centres around a hybrid model with employees booking desks and rooms as and when they need them, rather than sitting in the same cubicle for five days a week. Get comfortable with the vocabulary that describes this new culture so you can start planning the way forward for your organization.

The New Office Experience Is A Social Hub: Workers Weigh In

New Kadence study reveals employee expectations around hybrid working.

San Francisco and London May 6 2021: More than a third (37%) of US and UK office workers describe the prospect of going back to the office as the equivalent of going out to meet with friends, according to a new study by Kadence, surveyed over 1,500 office workers in the UK and US.

Over a quarter (28%) of respondents also said they are now prepared to spend more money and commute for longer to reunite with colleagues. Many also anticipate easier collaboration (60%), and better productivity (52%) once they get there.

Hybrid work to become the norm

The study also confirms recent Microsoft research findings which suggest that hybrid home and office working schedules are expected to become a widespread norm. Kadence’s survey found that over half (54%) expect to visit the office between two and three days a week. Approaching four in 10 (38%) also expect to choose when they come to the office and when they leave.

Concerns about returning to the office

However, it also revealed that many workers are nervous about workspace logistics, post-lockdown. A third expect the chance to book a particular desk before going to the office, and feel there will be more competition for the best seats and locations. Meanwhile, a quarter (25%) worry about being able to find the right kind of working or collaborative spaces. Over a third (34%) expect their employers to make more collaborative zones available (34%), while almost four in 10 want extra quiet working areas (37%).

Dan Bladen Co-Founder and CEO at Kadence comments on the findings: Many people are understandably excited about the return to the office, with over half (55%) stating that chance encounters and conversations with colleagues are amongst the best things about the office experience.

However, our study also exposes concerns around what they might find when they actually arrive. People are anxious about whether the work environment will be optimized for their needs. Also, many employees now expect the ability to control where they sit when they return to the office more regularly.

New desk and space software to facilitate collaboration

Kadence has launched Kadence Wx to enable teams and individuals to collaborate, connect and increase productivity in the hybrid environment without distraction. It enables employees to reserve particular desks or office neighborhoods before visiting. Designed as a new operating system for hybrid work, Kadence Wx empowers managers and teams to efficiently optimize and curate face-to-face collaboration in a hybrid environment.


Bladen continues: We’ve all become more intentional about when and where we choose to work. Organizations who can provide certainty and control for staff as they transition to hybrid working patterns will reap productivity and wellbeing rewards.

Despite this, over half (52%) of survey respondents said their employer is yet to provide guidance or support on managing these adjustments. Regardless of whether teams are synchronous or asynchronous in nature, when it’s time to collaborate Kadence Wx removes the friction around work coordination – allowing employees to focus their talents more productively.

To find out more about our research findings, watch our webinar here